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TonCut Is An Ultimate Cutting Optimization Tool Powered By Delphi

Ton­Cut is in­tended for cut­ting op­ti­miza­tion of flat (2D) and long (1D) ma­te­ri­als, such as: glass, wood, stone, metal, alu­minum, plex­i­glass, card­board, tubes, bars, etc. The pro­gram al­lows to re­duce waste when cut­ting sig­nif­i­cantly and it is developed in Delphi. According to the developer, “TonCut not only optimizes perfectly but is also fast, efficient…
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PhonePad: An Amazing Phone Call And Messaging Manager Developed In Delphi

Logging, tracking, and managing phone calls can be challenging for any business. PhonePad makes it fast, easy, and fun and it is built in Delphi. According to the developer, “The phone message type is similar to the paper-based phone message pads that everyone uses, making it easy for you to use without preparation. PhonePad remembers the details of past callers and fills in the details for…
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CodeDelphiTech Partner

Detect The Windows WiFi Networks In Your Delphi App With This Powerful Component Suite

Nowadays, accessing Wi-Fi networks is becoming common in our Desktop, Web, Mobile, and IoT applications. Detecting available or cached Wi-Fi network information is no longer a tough task for your code. MiTec’sSystem Information Management Suite’s component helps to detect Wi-Fi networks, and we will learn how to use TMiTeC_WIFI component in the blog…
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KronosNET Built In Delphi Is A Powerful Platform For Monitoring Station Management

The KronosNET system integrates several hundred devices from different manufacturers to ensuring their operation in a common environment and it is built in Delphi. According to the developer, “in addition to receiving, analyzing, visualizing and archiving incoming events from intrusion and fire prevention systems, access control, GPS location, CCTV and industrial automation (analog…
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Not a Hotdog! How to Use AI Object Recognition in Your Apps

I’m finally catching up with the articles to go with our Winter Webinars series. My guests and I have been showing you how to write genuine cross-platform low-code apps that do extraordinary…