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Detect The Windows WiFi Networks In Your Delphi App With This Powerful Component Suite


Nowadays, accessing Wi-Fi networks is becoming common in our Desktop, Web, Mobile, and IoT applications. Detecting available or cached Wi-Fi network information is no longer a tough task for your code. MiTec’s System Information Management Suite’s component helps to detect Wi-Fi networks, and we will learn how to use TMiTeC_WIFI component in the blog post.

Platforms: Windows.

Installation Steps:  

You can easily install this Component Suite from GetIt Package Manager. The steps are as follows.

  1. Navigate In RAD Studio IDE->Tools->GetIt Package Manager->select Components in Categories->Components->Trail -MiTec system Information Component Suite 14.3 and click Install Button.
  2. Read the license and Click Agree All. An Information dialog saying ‘Requires a restart of RAD studio at the end of the process. Do you want to proceed? click yes and continue.
  3. It will download the plugin and installs it. Once installed Click Restart now.

How to run the Demo app: 

  • Navigate to the System Information Management Suite trails setup, Demos folder which is installed during Get It installation e.g) C:UsersDocumentsEmbarcaderoStudio21.0CatalogRepositoryMiTeC-14.3DemosDelphi16
  • Open the SC  project in RAD studio 10.4.1 compile and Run the application.
  • This Demo App shows how to detect the Wifi Networks and its properties such as Connected, MACAddress, MaxSpeed, etc.

Components used in MSIC SC Demo App:

  • TMiTeC_WiFi: Enumerates all detected or cached Wi-Fi networks and their properties.
  • TListView To list down the list of detected Wi-Fi networks.

Implementation Details:

  • An instance  WiFi of TMiTeC_WIFI is created. Loop through the NetworkCount property to detect the available Wi-Fi networks. For each TWifiNetwork record list down the properties such as properties such as SignalQuality, SecurityEnabled, Connected, MACAddress, MaxSpeed, ChannelFreq in the list view.
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<strong>MiTeC WiFi Demo<strong>

It’s that simple to enumerate a list of Wi-Fi networks and their properties available in your machine from your Delphi application. Use this MiTeC component suite and get the job done quickly.

Head over and check out the full MiTec System Information Management Suite for Access System Information for Windows in Delphi Applications

With the use of a Windows IDE, you can easily detect the windows wifi networks in your Delphi app with a component suite. Try your Free Trial here.

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