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KronosNET Built In Delphi Is A Powerful Platform For Monitoring Station Management

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The KronosNET system integrates several hundred devices from different manufacturers to ensuring their operation in a common environment and it is built in Delphi. According to the developer, “in addition to receiving, analyzing, visualizing and archiving incoming events from intrusion and fire prevention systems, access control, GPS location, CCTV and industrial automation (analog measurements), the system also supports administrative activities related to the service and inventory of devices, billing, setting work schedules for security agencies and customer care and contract management. The latest development direction of the KronosNET platform is the use of AI and Big Data analyzes. This product is used around the world in several hundred security agencies for monitoring from between several and thousands of accounts simultaneously. The KronosNET system is used not only in security agencies, but also in banks, in critical infrastructure (power plants, military, airports, embassies) and corporations.”

The developer goes on to say that, “The three-layer architecture, which is standard for our solutions, encrypted communication, secure buffers stored in permanent memory, and transmission of differentiation between modules, are only some of the mechanisms that render the KronosNET system safe and efficient even for a large number of accounts under surveillance. The communication mechanism that is used allows for significant system dispersal even via poor communication channels, which ensures a high level of comfort. The architecture model employed also allows the system to be easily expanded to include additional functionality without affecting existing mechanisms, while making it possible for information to be exchanged with external applications. The system communicates with the user via all modern communication channels including: PC and SmartPhone applications, websites, text messages or e-mails, and also supports digital phone network.”

Some statistics provided by the developer about KronosNET are:

  • Software developed for over 18 years
  • Over 30 IT specialists working on the project
  • 18 modules of system KronosNET
  • Over 3.5 million lines of code
  • More than 200 integrated external modules
  • More than 400 clients all around the world
  • More than 200.000 of monitored accounts (buildings, persons, guards, vehicles, response teams vehicles, CIT vehicles, vanding machines, service vehicles)



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