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Powerful Torque Tool Controller Is Developed In Delphi

The Torque Tool Controller project catches the results of tightening from a tool controller for future analysis and it is developed in Delphi. According to the developer, “This is my prototype to verify torque / angle traceability connected with tool controller. I have been working with this project with Delphi 7.” The application appears to be running on some specialized equipment and…
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Enterprise-Grade Rich Text Editor Component For Windows With WYSIWYG Editing And Reporting Add-Ons

TRichView Component is a set of native Delphi and C++ Builder VCL components for illustrating, editing, and printing complex rich text documents easily. TRichView component suite offers a wide range of functionalities to create advanced text editors, web/help/book authoring applications, chats, and messengers. Moreover, if you need a high-quality hypertext user interface, the TRichView…
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February 2021 GM Blog - 10.4.2, Delphi's 26th & More!

These are exciting times! As vaccines advance and lockdowns ease, we are ready to get back to business. Like many of you, we never stopped. The hard work of our teams culminated in the release of 10.4.2 while advancing our many initiatives, as our collaboration with partners…

Final Voting for the Showcase Challenge

With the release of RAD Studio 10.4.2 last week, and the huge number of submissions, it took longer than expected to get all the showcases posted and shared on Twitter. To make sure there is time to vote on all the entries we are extending the voting (via likes and retweets)…

RAD Studio 10.4.2 Silent Installer Makes It Easy To Automate The Installation Process

RAD Studio 10.4.2 supports silent, automated installation of the product with no UI interaction. Silent Install is available for offline and online installation. In the offline installation there is a GOF file and the setup executable. In the online installation there is a setup executable and an automatic download of the required packages in the background. The Windows SDK installation currently…
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Exciting Crossword Puzzle Android App Is Made In Delphi

Uzbek Crosswords is a crosswords puzzle app built in Delphi Berlin 10.1. According to the developer, “Uzbek crossword puzzles are very interesting and very easy to use. There is also an assistance system. This is our first Uzbek program. We think our users will like it very much. In the future, we will continue to develop this program together with the instructions of our fans. Of course…
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InterBase ODBC Driver on GitHub

Embarcadero just released the source code of the most recent version of the ODBC driver for the InterBase relational database. This is an open source driver which has been available for long, but…