Running the FMX.TabletMasterDetailwithSearch Sample, it shows you two columns. The column on the left-hand side shows a list of people and includes a search box. The column on the right-hand side shows details (a picture, name, job and “description”) about the person currently selected on the list view.
You can tap list view entries to select them and load their information on the…
Delphi 26th Birthday Showcase Challenge
January 30, 2021
Update: New extended the deadline and simplified requirements. Submit until Feb 22nd. We extended the voting window until Friday, the 5th of March because it took so long to get them all posted, especially with the 10.4.2 release in there.
Another great Delphi birthday…
IPWorks Encrypt Library enables you to encrypt and decrypt files, emails, documents, and messages through major cryptographic standards, including S/MIME, OpenPGP, TripleDES, TwoFish, RSA, AES, etc. Complete with X.509 and OpenPGP certificate management.
With these…
The ability of a framework to support developer productivity is a measure of its ability to speed up the time it takes to bring an application to market, and its influence on long-term labor costs. Developer productivity, therefore, directly affects the sustainability and profitability of a business.
One core Productivity metric is Development Time, or in other words the total number of hours…
Powerful Financial Robo-Analyst Software For The Likes Of BitCoin, GameStop, BlackBerry, And AMC Is Built With Delphi
January 29, 2021
Robo-Analyst is a powerful financial software that gives an instant analysis on more than 16,000 stocks, funds, and cryptocurrencies and it is built with Delphi. According to Robo-Analyst their advanced software analyzes and interprets the most widely-used indicators; with a…
Quickly Find Memory Leaks In Your Delphi And C++Builder Application With Deleaker Profiler
January 29, 2021
Deleaker is a popular extension for all major IDEs and a standalone application for memory leak detection. You can easily integrate into RAD Studio and find memory leaks within your Delphi and C++Builder applications.
Deleaker shows allocated memory, objects, handles, and…
Incredibly Powerful Native Image Processing Library For Delphi And C++Builder Developers
January 28, 2021
At this current state, with Delphi, there are lots of possibilities to accomplish anything you want. Because with the power of the Delphi community we have a powerful Python for Delphi component which can be a bridge to utilize open-source big tech companies supported and funded libraries out there. For instance, you can use the Scikit-image library or the Mahotas, which allows you to work with…
Visually Designing Apps In Delphi Deliver Up To 5X Productivity Gains Over WPF And Electron
January 28, 2021
Building a functional, intuitive and visually appealing user interface is vital to the success of an app. It also involving a time-consuming design and coding effort that can be further exacerbated without the tools that enable visual design. Using a WISYWIG (What You See Is…
Developer Michal Mutl has a powerful network scanner software and network discovery tool available for Windows and it is built in Delphi. According to the site it “is a free multi-threaded ICMP, Port, IP, NetBIOS, ActiveDirectory and SNMP scanner with many advanced features. It is intended for both system administrators and general users who are interested in computer security. The program…