
C++ Lambda Expressions for Beginners

A lambda expression defines an anonymous function or a closure at the point where it is used. You can think of a lambda expression as an unnamed function (that’s why it’s called “anonymous”). Lambda expressions make code cleaner and more concise, and allow you to see behavior inline where it’s defined instead of referring to an external method, like a functor. They usually follow the…
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Developer Stories: Arsene Ekpini Elaborates On His Application eLynceus

Arsene Ekpini first used Delphi in 1997 and has been working with it since. He introduced his application to (Identify Criminal With Elynceus: Developed In C++ Builder) the Delphi 26th Showcase Challenge and we spoke with him to get a better understanding of his Delphi experiences. When did you start using RAD Studio/Delphi and have long have you been using it? At that time it was owned by…
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C++DelphiRAD Studio

Easy Serialization From Query To JSON

This is a set of features combined on a group of functions to help you work with JSON format, without had to write a bunch of classes and handles, perfect for people who work with integrated applications, such as web services host or client, or if your project requires NO…

High-Performance C++ NMEA Parser GPS Interface

Most GPS modules have a serial port, which makes them excellent to connect to a microcontroller or computer. It is common for the microcontroller to parse the NMEA data. Parsing is just removing the pieces of data from the NMEA sentence so the microcontroller can do something useful with the data. NMEA is an acronym for the National Marine Electronics Association. Why do you need to parse…
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C++DelphiRAD Studio

High-Performance Bluetooth Low Energy Library For RAD Developers

Embarcadero offers a set of components and libraries to work with Bluetooth Low Energy or just BLE-enabled devices. For instance, you can utilize the new TBluetoothLE component to implement the RTL BluetoothLE feature for server and client applications using with FireMonkey. Furthermore, the RTL provides a BLE scan filter implementation that takes advantage of the new BLE low consumption chips.
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