C++RAD Studio

More Examples About Template Parameters In C++

Hello again. One of the great features of modern C++ is the ability to define templates which are simple and very powerful statements in C++. We published a lot of posts before about templates in C++ and this week we have more examples to take us further along the path of Learning C++. We think that these simple explanations and examples are easy for everyone to understand some of the great…
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C++CodeIDERAD Studio

How to Check The C++ Compiler Version On Windows

A C or C++ Compiler is a computer program that converts the text of a program’s code into an executable program. How can we check the version of the C++ compiler we are using on our Windows computer? Let’s take a look at a few different ways to do it. How can I check the C++ compiler version with the RAD Studio command prompt? RAD Studio powers C++ Builder which supports various…
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C++Case StudyDeveloper InterviewsRAD Studio

C++ Builder Is The Trusted Enabler For This SAMD

A C++ Builder article today from our Enterprise Software article challenge. Today C++ app developer Courant describes their experiences with creating what they describe as “Software As A Medical Device” or SAMD. It’s not a term I’ve heard before, I must admit, so it’s intriguing to hear from Courant as they tell us about their enterprise app experience. What unfolds…
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C++RAD Studio

Learn How To Use 5 Modern Features of Templates in C++

Hello C++ Developers. Today we have some new modern C++ examples that can be compiled by any C++ IDE and compiler that supports C++17 or greater. If you want to dive deep into C++ Programming, then the LearnCPlusPlus.org website is the right place for you. We keep adding more features of modern C++ and how to get the best use out of RAD Studio and C++ Builder. If you want to improve your C++…
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