
Easily Build A Cross-Platform Tic-Tac-Toe Game In Delphi FireMonkey With Visual Shape Controls

Since the launch of the GetIt package manager a significant number of components and libraries distributed on GetIt. One of them is Radiant Shapes, which is a bonus pack for RAD Studio developers. Radiant Shapes includes 30+ reusable shape components that are very responsive. It supports all platforms. All of the Radiant Shapes components include valuable design-time menus to create common…
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CodeDelphiRAD Studio

Quickly Implement A Master-Detail App For Tablets In Delphi With This Example

Running the FMX.TabletMasterDetailwithSearch Sample, it shows you two columns. The column on the left-hand side shows a list of people and includes a search box. The column on the right-hand side shows details (a picture, name, job and “description”) about the person currently selected on the list view. You can tap list view entries to select them and load their information on the…
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