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C++Builder Optimization Guide with TwineCompile

In this post, we’re going to be covering tips and tricks on how you can optimize your c++ software projects to compile as fast as possible. While we’ll definitely be spending some time looking at optimizations geared for use with TwineCompile, some of these tricks apply to C++Builder in general. C++Builder, and TwineCompile include a lot of functionality that’s designed to optimize…
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CodeDelphiIDERAD Studio

Working Example Code of Using STOMP In Your Application

STOMP is the Simple (or Streaming) Text Oriented Messaging Protocol. STOMP provides an interoperable wire format so that STOMP clients can communicate with any STOMP message broker to provide easy and widespread messaging interoperability among many languages, platforms, and brokers. You may use IDE Software such as Delphi for STOMP. You can check the latest version of the STOMP specification…
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DelphiRAD Studio

Detecting Logos On Images Using Google Cloud Vision API

It’s a cliché that Developers are known for their taste to work long hours while drinking coffee… so, if you are into programming you most probably know the logo in the image below as it stands for the American multinational and the world’s largest coffeehouse chain, Starbucks! The power of logos The point is that there is no name written on the coffee mug, just a logo.
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Using Delphi's Expressions Engine

Delphi RTL include a very powerful expression engine, which is one of the foundations of the Live Bindings architecture, but can be used as a separate engine for processing expressions. This blog post offers a quick introduction to the topic. There are many hidden gems in…

Extract, Transform, Load - The Magic Behind HeidiSQL

HeidiSQL is a wildly successful open source database management tool. Apart from being extremely useful in the management of MySQL, SQL Server, PostgreSQL, and SQLite databases, it is also open-source and that source code is written in Delphi. Furthermore, if we integrate it with IDE Software like RADStudio, it will be more powerful. Moving on, we’ve already given a brief overview of it before…
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Aviation Giant Renews Long-Term InterBase Contract

After extensive testing, a top global commercial aircraft manufacturer has just renewed its InterBase deployment license with Embarcadero. The project involved updating InterBase to the latest version…