C++CodeRAD Studio

Introduction To C And C++ Coding For 2023

Hello to all developers. We have new introduction-level posts that may help and motivate you to start with developing small games, maybe your friends and family, or your students to develop amazing games on Windows, Linux, iOS, or on IoT systems in 2023. The topics in this article are a round-up of recent C++ and C topics from the LearnCPlusPlus website including very simple examples that can be…
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Building Microservices with Boss and Horse

Here are the slides, links, and additional resources from Building Microservices with Boss and Horse. This session was a collaboration with Vinicius Sanchez of Hashload. Hashload is an open-source community on GitHub founded by Brazilian developers that works with many programming languages (Delphi, Python, Go…); Hashload Projects Boss: Dependency Manager for Delphi applications Horse…
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How To Make MySQL Your SQL

Today (December 20th 2022) and tomorrow you can join us for Embarcadero’s two day Enterprise CodeRage event which focusses, as you might expect, on enterprise development topics using your favorite IDE software. I am presenting two sessions – this blog post…
NewsRAD Studio

Getting The Best IDE, Functions And Data For Your Software With RAD Studio And APILayer

In your quest to become a proficient software developer, it helps to have a great IDE. A full-featured high-performance IDE will help you create quality code for your software applications. However, not only does it help to have a great IDE, but data and functions from online APIs power most software applications on the market. In this round-up we will introduce you to two valuable services to…
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C++CodeRAD Studio

5 Simple Steps On The Path To Learn C++

Hello to everyone, nowadays during my normal working day I have many students around me with a passion to learn programming. They are from high schools, colleges, from some engineering departments of universities and they are asking which programming language they should learn. I am asking what they want to do by learning a language, and then almost always my answer is C++. C++ is great, you can…
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