
Celebrating Creativity With The Delphi Digital Fan Art And AI Art Contest

The Delphi Digital Fan Art and AI Art Contest is coming to a close soon, but we have seen some truly amazing entries celebrating the creativity of humans and machines! All sorts of art styles have been created using a variety of techniques. We’ve also seen how to use Stable Diffusion and Dreambooth via APIs from Delphi clients. We’ve also seen how ChatGPT can be used to create art.
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Streamlining RAD Studio Upgrades with GetIt

This guide covers streamlining GetIt packages during and upgrade and installation for a smoother upgrade experience. When upgrading between major versions, the Settings Migration Tool simplifies keeping your settings. It is also great for migrating a subset of your…
C++DelphiNewsRAD Studio

Announcing the Availability of RAD Studio 11.3 Alexandria

Embarcadero is pleased to announce the release of RAD Studio 11 Alexandria Release 3, also known as RAD Studio 11.3, along with Delphi 11.3 and C++Builder 11.3. This release is focused on quality and improvements, building on the great new features in RAD Studio 11 Alexandria three previous releases. RAD Studio 11.3 includes support for newer versions of several operating systems, adds a new…
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Can ChatGPT Be Used To Generate Art?

Art and technology have been irrevocably intertwined throughout history, from cave paintings to Renaissance frescoes. Today, the combination of technological advances and age old artistic traditions has given rise to new avenues for art production — from 3D printing to AI-based approaches such as Stable Diffusion, Midjourney, and Dall-E. But what about ChatGPT? And can it really be used to…
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C++CodeIDERAD Studio

10 Tips For Using A C++ Compiler To Build Windows Apps

When you develop an app for the Windows operating system there are a few tips that can help smooth things along. Using the best C++ compiler Windows developers have available is obviously step one, but there are a lot more very easy steps you can take to make life a lot easier. We cover a few of our favorites here. 1. Download the latest C++ Builder 11 or RAD Studio 11 edition C++…
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