C++CodeRAD Studio

Three Important Modern C++ Features That Can Be Used With C++ Builder

Hello C++ Developers, this week, we have 3 more modern C++ features that can be used in C++ Builder. In C++14 you can store string in strings using modern programming methods. In the first post, we explain how you can preserve the string format especially when we use a string in a string with /”. Containers are powerful data storage arrays in modern C++ and they are very useful for iterating…
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[Yukon Beta Blog]: NativeInt as a Weak Alias

This blog post is based on a pre-release version of the RAD Studio software and it has been written with specific permission by Embarcadero. No feature is committed until the product GA release. Besides the changes to string literals, with support for long and multiline string literals added to the Delphi compiler, there are other relevant changes in the Delphi language coming in 12.0, even if…
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C++RAD Studio

Learn How To Use Integer Literals And The Deprecated Attribute In C++

Hello fellow C++ Developers. Since January we have released many new posts covering the features of the C++11 standard. These features are mostly done, and this week we start on describing C++14 features. We have five more beginners to professional-level topics in modern C++. C++ evolves and refines itself even further with the release of each new C++ standard. C++14 came with a new deprecated…
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C++RAD Studio

5 Important Posts That Professional C++ Developers Should Read

Hello C++ developers, this week we have five more professional and intermediate-level topics in modern C++. Modern C++ has many features to aid multi-thread programming that allow your applications to be faster and more responsive. Since the C++11 standard, the Concurrency Support Library includes built-in support for threads (std::thread) with atomic operations (std::atomic). In the first two…
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