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RAD Studio Malawi Beta Feedback: “Delphi LSP is The Best It’s Ever Been”

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As you might know if you have been following our blogs and announcements, Embarcadero is working on a new update to RAD Studio Alexandria. A beta test program of the new version, codenamed “Malawi”, is currently ongoing. This coming update release is primarily focused on quality, and in particular on the issues affecting most customers in terms of code tooling. One key focus area of the work is Delphi LSP, along with IDE stability in general.

We are quite happy with the current progress and we think it will be appreciated when released. Many beta testers have sent us positive feedback, and we decided it was worth sharing it with everyone in anticipation of the coming version of Delphi, C++Builder, and RAD Studio.

So here are a few literal quotes of what beta testers told us (in a survey we ran last week):

“LSP works and that is the most important thing”

“Thank you for LSP fixes”

“So far so good; for my needs Malawi is an improvement”

“Delphi LSP is the best it’s ever been. It feels like it’s ready to ship.”

“I like it that this time a bigger focus was to get rid of bugs.”

“Really Great”

“My favorite updates are those that reduce bugs and increase stability and Malawi seems to be that kind of update. I am grateful.”

“It’s generally good. And moving in the right direction.”

“Look overall good. The industry is beginning to notice the frequent and meaningful upgrades.”

“Great work!”

Given this feedback from beta testers, we can’t wait for you to experience using the new release  of RAD Studio for yourselves and send us your feedback. In the meantime contact your representative to make sure you’re up to date on maintenance, so that you can take advantage of 11.3, by downloading and installing it on the release date.

See What's Coming in 12.2 Athens Dev Days of Summer 2-24

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About author

Marco is one of the RAD Studio Product Managers, focused on Delphi. He's the best selling author of over 20 books on Delphi.

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