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10 Quick Tips & Tricks for SQL Server Developers

Author: Embarcadero USA Here are 10 quick SQL Server tips and tricks for database developers compiled by SQL Server expert Pinal Dave. For inefficient query plans: Check for issues with bad cardinality estimates. The maximum degree of parallelism can be limited server-wide…

How to vibrate iOS and Android phones using FireMonkey and XE8

Pawel Glowacki asked about vibrating smartphones using Delphi code for iOS and Android. Thierry Laborde and Williamm Wittwer of Embarcadero France provided the following Delphi and FireMonkey sample code: unit Umain; interface uses System.SysUtils, System.Types, System.UITypes, System.Classes, System.Variants, FMX.Types, FMX.Controls, FMX.Forms, FMX.Graphics, FMX.Dialogs, …
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Using TLocationSensor with TMapView in RAD Studio XE8

Author: Alan K26627 During and after my Maps Skill Sprint last week, I received multiple questions on how to use TMapView with RAD Studio XE8. I thought I would create a new demo that showcases the following functionality to help answer those questions. This demo showcases the following RAD Studio XE8 functionality: Using TMapView on iOS and Android. For Android, you will need an API…
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How To Use Skia Shaders, SVG Images With C++ Builder 12

The latest RAD Studio C++ Builder 12 Update 1 has been released with a lot of amazing new features, such as the new bcc64x 64-bit CLANG compiler that has VCL/FMX/Skia GUI support with a one-click…