On behalf of Embarcadero, the RAD Studio product management team is in charge of continuously updating the product development roadmap for Delphi, C++Builder, and RAD Studio. As you can see in our official roadmap blog post, we have just released a new version of the roadmap, covering the key features that we’ve planned for the next 12 months. Along with the official roadmap slides, we wanted to…
RAD Studio Roadmap May 2019
May 23, 2019
With this article, the RAD Studio PM team is introducing an updated roadmap for Delphi, C++Builder and RAD Studio. This May 2019 roadmap includes plans for the next 12 months. Alongside, we have also published a May 2019 Roadmap PM Commentary blog post, with more details and…
We continue to invest in updating Embarcadero’s infrastructure and processes. As we get more and more new developers, having a modern face for the brand and products is important. You will see some of this in RAD Studio itself with 10.3.2. This is a busy, busy year, and I…
Twilio e SurveyMonkey – Maggio 2019 Riflettori sugli “Enterprise connectors” #ConnectTheData. [In italiano]
May 15, 2019
[English language version]
Maggio segna l’inizio del nostro“Enterprise ConnectorsSpotlight”. Ogni mese, metteremo in evidenza due connettori scelti da un elenco di oltre 100 connettori. Tra i punti salienti troverete dei post sul blog, e un webinar gratuito che li tratterà più dettagliatamente. Inoltre, tutti i clienti attualmente abbonati agli aggiornamenti riceveranno anche…
Boost for C++Builder 10.3.1 - now available!
May 15, 2019
The Boost library is now available for C++Builder and RAD Studio 10.3.1.
Boost is a very important third party C++ library, and one many of our customers request support for.It’s taken us longer than we had hoped, but I’m very glad to announce it’s…
Using EMSDataSetResource Component with RAD Server
May 14, 2019
[See the full index of articles for more information]
Table of Contents
The EMSDataSetResource Component
Test the RAD Server application
Create VCL client application using the EMSDataSetResource endpoint functionality
Additional Information
1 The EMSDataSetResource…
As part of May’s Enterprise Connector Spotlight, I wanted to outline some of what you can do with the SurveyMonkey Enterprise Connector.We useSurveyMonkeyhere at Embarcadero for internal and external surveys. They have an option to get started for free, and a number of paid options. It is one of the more popular survey platforms. Even if you don’t currently use it…
We just hada fantastic RAD Server Webinar with David I., and have started publishing a series of articles and an ebook also by David I. This post is an index or hub for all these resources, and I’ll update it as we continue to roll them out.
The Complete Guide…
May marks the beginning of our Enterprise ConnectorsSpotlight. Each month we will highlight two Enterprise Connectors from the list of over 100 connectors. As part of the highlight, you will find blog posts on the connectors, and a free webinarcovering them in…
[See the full index of articles for more information]
Table of Contents:
1. Using the RAD Server Project Wizard
2. The Wizard Generated RAD Server Project and Source Code
3. Configuring your first RAD Server Application
4. Testing your first RAD Server Application
5. See Also
In this blog post, you’ll learn how to build your first RAD Server service-based applications using Delphi and…