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So it's been 25 years!

On February 14, 1995, Delphi saw the day of Light! Wow! When we think of 25 years, we think of big monumental or mega-moments that give us a chance to step-back and reflect over what has happened so far. Now I could start writing out a list of all the amazing things that I can do with Delphi like build fast native applications that are easy to understand, let me connect to and query my back-end in…
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David Millington’s #Delphi25 Story

Yes, this is really Windows 3.1 — and it’s all due to Delphi. In 1995, I was twelve years old. I’d loved programming since I first encountered a computer: when I was much younger, about four, my parents bought a BBC microcomputer. Apparently I loved it so much…

Delphi is 25!

Today marks the 25th anniversary of the Delphi launch in San Francisco at the Software Development Conference (SDC ‘95 West). I was there at the launch event and I’m still here using the product and helping to further extend and nurture it. Embarcadero is marking this…

25 Reasons For Using Delphi in 2020

When Delphi 1 was released 25 years ago, I compiled a top ten reasons for using Delphi. This is my original list from the preface of the original Mastering Delphi books: “There are many programming environments you can work with, but Delphi is outstanding for a number of reasons. Here are my top ten reasons to use Delphi, in reverse order: 10. Previous Borland Pascal and C++ compilers 9. The…
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25 years of excellence

Trying to sum up what a programming language and software authoring system like Delphi represents, spanning 25 years no less, is almost insurmountable. Where should I begin? Groundbreaking object orientation? Event driven architecture? A thriving component market? Or perhaps…

25 FireMonkey Tips for Delphi's 25th Birthday

In today’s Delphi birthday post, I am including 25 FireMonkey tips for building multi-device applications. 1. Home screens are a popular design paradigm as they display the key app functionality on the first screen, making it easily accessible to the application user.

Celebrate Delphi's 25th Birthday in Style - New VCL Windows Theme: Lucky Point

In time for Delphi’s upcoming 25th birthday this Friday, we have a new VCL Windows style available for download, that’s perfect for your modern Windows applications. Use the new Lucky Point Windows theme to give your existing or new VCL Windows applications a custom look and feel. How to download: The style is available for download in the Styles category in the GetIt…
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ExBox - Cool Apps Selection

Today’s CoolApps selection is ExBox, from Marc Hoffmann. ExBox is a user-friendly tool that allows you to create shortcuts to execute common tasks, such as calculators, color converters, text and image editors, and more. Marc has packed a lot of cool features into…

Celebrate Delphi's 25th Birthday in Style - New VCL Windows Theme: Zircon

In time for Delphi’s upcoming 25th birthday on February 14th, 2020, we have several new stylesavailable for download that are perfect for your modern Windows applications. Use the new Zircon Windows theme to give your existing or new VCL Windows applications a custom look and feel. How to download: The style is available for download in the “Styles” category…
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Running Delphi & HTMX in WordPress - HTMX series part 3

There are over 472 million websites powered by WordPress. What most of them have in common is that they don’t benefit from the power of the web because WordPress is limited by its PHP structure.