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Beyond Compare - Cool Apps Selection

Today’s Cool Apps selection is Beyond Compare, from Scooter Software. Beyond Compare is a data management utility that allows users to compare and reconcile documents, files, folders, and even whole system drives quickly and easily. It’s a deeply useful resource, and it is built and powered by Delphi. The Scooter Software team has put together a great intro video to showcase Beyond Compare…
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Custom Managed Records New in Delphi 10.4 Sydney

RAD Studio and Delphi 10.4 Sydney are available now! What is a Managed Record in Delphi? Records in Delphi can have fields of any data type. When a record has plain (non-managed) fields, like numeric or other enumerated values there isn’t much to do for the compiler.

Delphi en la atención de la salud, contra la pandemia del coronavirus [ en español ]

Spanish translation of Delphi in Healthcare, Fighting the Corona Pandemic Delphi en la atención de la salud, contra la pandemia del coronavirus Cuando una crisis como la pandemia del coronavirus azota a la sociedad, impacta en todos los aspectos de la vida humana. Ha limitado severamente nuestra capacidad de viajar e interactuar con familiares y seres queridos, ha cambiado la forma en que…
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New in Delphi 10.4: Redesigned Code Insight

In 10.4, we’ve reworked code completion and other features. It’s one of the most significant changes to the IDE in a decade. What do we mean by Code Insight? First, some background. If you’re familiar with Code Insight, skip ahead… Code Insight is our name for a…

Comparación de bases de datos InterBase para ISV [ en español ]

Spanish translation of InterBase ISV Database Comparison Elegir la base de datos correcta para dar soporte a tu aplicación puede parecer una tarea desalentadora. Para hacerte la vida más fácil, aquí hay algunos temas a considerar al momento de elegir la base de datos adecuada para ti y tus clientes. Tema Notas Costo total de propiedad Costo de la licencia Costos de soporte o…
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AlignMix - Cool Apps Selection

Today’s Cool Apps selection is AlignMix, from Cozmix, Inc. AlignMix is a sales territory designer that allows users to manage and leverage a tremendous amount of data in a user-friendly, visually appealing package. AlignMixhas been built in Delphi from the beginning…

Delphi in Healthcare, Fighting the Corona Pandemic

Delphi in Healthcare, Fighting the Corona Pandemic When a crisis like the coronavirus pandemic hits society, it affects every aspect of human life. It has severely limited our ability to travel and interact with family and loved ones, it has changed how we interact with the community we live in – and last but not least, how we interact with customers and maintain a livelihood. For many…
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C++DelphiNewsRAD Studio

2024 Embarcadero Product Releases Roundup & Industry Trends

As 2024 comes to a close, I’d like to take a moment to reflect on some of our Embarcadero product releases in 2024, industry trends, and thank you, our customers, for your continued support of our…