CodeDelphiRAD Studio

Quickly Evaluate A Python Expression In Delphi Using Python4Delphi Sample App

Want to know how to evaluate a Python Expression in Delphi using Python4Delphi? PythonforDelphi(P4D) is a set of free components that wrap up the Python DLL into Delphi and C++Builder. They let you easily execute Python scripts, create new Python modules and new Python types. This post will guide you on how to use these components, create a VCL application, run a simple python…
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Key Target Platforms Update

I wanted to share some interesting data following a recent presentation looking into Modern Windows development. 75% of Windows Desktops use Windows 10! Source: StatCounter Windows 10 is now used by 3 out of every 4 Windows desktop machines! This market share is up around 10% in 2020, having originally passed Windows 7 back in late 2017. Windows 7 is down to around 18% and falling.
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Learn How To Easily Customize The Appearance Of A ListView In This Delphi Sample App

Some of the use case needs to view the Multi Details Appearance for a List item in a ListView .e.g Selecting Multiple items Add or Delete from a List with Multi Detail information.Delphi/C++ Builderoffers robust components to do the job at design time or runtime with less code and made developer life easy. ListViewMultiDetailAppearanceSample show three detail text items.
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