DelphiIDETech Partner

Build Modern Delphi/C++ Builder Web Applications Using IntraWeb Framework and IWBootStrap

Thinking to write a new web application or modernize your existing application into web framework for Delphi/C++ Builder Framework? AToZed Softwares provides an Amazing FullStack/ClientServer Focused Web Framework to build applications faster. Installs into IDE, Modeled on VCL, Visual Client Designer. The client built from the JS and HTML library. Delphi UI event handlers run on servers…
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DelphiNewsTech Partner

Getting Started with Python4Delphi

During part 1 of our webinar last week there were a few questions about installing components and getting started. I made a short video and wanted to provide some details here. SynEdit is an optional library that provides syntax highlighting and proper indention behaviors if you want to allow users to edit Python code in your application. If you just want to interact with Python and…
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