C++DatabaseDelphiInterBaseRAD StudioWebinarWindows

The Best Embedded Database For Your Mobile Apps Is Free

If you are looking for a fully functional powerful database which can be easily used in your mobile apps and, importantly, unlike SQLite, it supports full-strength encryption without having to pay an extra fee then we have some good news! Not only does InterBase work on practically every platform there is, including mobile devices, but you probably already have a license for it, for free. Why…
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DatabaseDelphiInterBaseModernizationNewsRAD Studio

What's in RAD Studio ARCHITECT?

RAD Studio is available in three editions: Professional, Enterprise, and the most advanced edition, Architect. What’s in the Architect edition, and what benefits does it offer? What do you get with the Architect Edition of RAD Studio that you don’t get with Professional? Architect is about building enterprise-level multi-platform, multi-device applications that can connect to a multitude…
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C++CodeDatabaseDelphiIDEInterBaseRAD Studio

I first met Philippe Kahn and Turbo Pascal 40 years ago this month

In 1983, I was working for Softsel Computer Products (Softsel) in the product evaluation, support and training group. Softsel had a booth at the Fall 1983 COMDEX (Computer Dealer Expo) conference (November 28 to December 2) in the Las Vegas Convention Center. I sat at a pod in the booth to answer questions about Softsel, products we distributed and to talk with software and device manufacturers…
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C++CodeDatabaseDelphiIDEInterBaseRAD Studio

7 Best Mobile App Makers in 2022 To Make Your Own Mobile App

The demand for app development is booming, and despite the recent turmoil in some sections of the tech economy, mobile app makers are still very much in demand. With the help of modern app builder software which support innovations such as drag-and-drop tools and low-code or no-code development strategies, almost anyone can create an app for their needs. Picking the right setup benefits small and…
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