
Working with cookies

Author: Embarcadero USA Technical Information Database TI4523D.txt - Working with cookies Category :Internet/WEB Platform :All-32Bit Product :All32Bit, Description: The purpose of this document is not to explain what a cookie is or what it is used for. Instead this document assumes that you are familiar with the use of cookies and want to know how to work with them when developing…
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Custom InPlace Editor in StringGrid

Author: Embarcadero USA Question and Answer Database FAQ2434D.txt Custom InPlace Editor in StringGrid Category :VCL Platform :All Product :Delphi 3.x Question: How can I popup my own inplace editor (such as a combobox) in a string grid cell? Answer: The…

Detecting tab key press

Author: Embarcadero USA Question and Answer Database FAQ2060D.txt Detecting tab key press Category :VCL Platform :All Product :All 32 bit Question: Since the KeyPress and the KeyDown events do not get called for the tab key, how do I trap the tab key at the form level? Answer: At form level, the tab key is generally handled by Windows. The following example demonstrates…
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Extracting Icons

Author: Embarcadero USA Question and Answer Database FAQ1778D.txt Extracting Icons Category :Windows API Platform :All Product :All 32 bit Question: How can I use the undocumented ShellAPI function ExtractIconEx() to extract the small and large icons from a…


Author: Embarcadero USA Question and Answer Database FAQ1525D.txt Using WM_COPYDATA. Category :Windows API Platform :All Product :All 32 bit Question: How can I use the WM_COPYDATA message to pass information between 16-bit and 32-bit…

Does Delphi have an equivalent to the Visual Basic SendKeys function?

Author: Embarcadero USA Question and Answer Database FAQ1500D.txt Does Delphi have an equivalent to the Visual Basic SendKeys function? Category :VCL Platform :All Product :All 32 bit Question: Does Delphi have an equivalent to the Visual Basic SendKeys function? Answer: The following example demonstrates procedures that provide the capibility of sending keystrokes to any window…
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Preventing multiple application instances

Author: Embarcadero USA Question and Answer Database FAQ1355D.txt Preventing multiple application instances Category :Windows API Platform :All Product :All 32 bit Question: How can I guarantee that only one instance of my program executes? Is it possible to…

Displaying the selected row of a DBGrid in a different color

Author: Embarcadero USA Question and Answer Database FAQ711D.txt Displaying the selected row of a DBGrid in a different color Category :Database/VCL Platform :All Product :Delphi 3.x Question: How can I show selected row in a dbgrid in a different color without using dgRowSelect (because I need to edit the data)? Answer: If you want to color the selected row in a DBGrid but you…
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