
Converting to grayscale with TBitmap.ScanLine property

Author: Pawe Gowacki In my previous post “Boian’s TBitmap Visualizer and converting to grayscale” I have described an algorithm for converting arbitrary TBitmap instances to gray using a selected formula. The problem is with the performance of the code that actually changes the color of each pixel. Accessing color information is done via TBitmap.Pixels property, which is a…
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A case when FreeAndNil is your enemy

Author: Allen It seems that my previous post about FreeAndNil sparked a little controversy. Some of you jumped right on board and flat agreed with my assertion. Others took a very defensive approach. Still others, kept an “arms-length” view. Actually, the whole…

Delphi 2010 DirectWrite "Hello World" Example

Author: Sinisa P29531 In my previous post I have translated Windows 7 SDK Direct2D “Advanced Geometries” examplefrom C++ to Delphi 2010 code. That was a lot of fun, so I have decided to continue the adventure in the realm of Direct2D programming and this…

DataSnap Server Method Stream Parameters

Author: Jim T1392 This is a continuation of my posts on DataSnap server method parameters and return types. This post is about TStream and TDBXStreamValue. The sample client and server projects that go with this post can be downloaded here: See my earlier posts on “Basic” and “Basic DBXValue” types. I’ve yet…
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DataSnap Server Methods Parameters

Author: Jim T1392 Delphi 2009 introduced support for DataSnap server methods. If you are not familiar with this feature, here are two articles that describe server methods: DataSnap 2009 Overview , Getting Started with Delphi DataSnap 2009. DataSnap server methods support a…

Building and consuming web services with Delphi 2009

Author: Pawe Gowacki Do you remember that Delphi 6 was the first IDE in the market with Web Services support? This trend continues and Delphi 2009 supports building web service servers and clients:-) In this post I’m going to describe all steps neccessary to build simple web service server and client applications in Delphi 2009. Building “Simple Calculator” web service…
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Writing games with Delphi. Ideas?

Author: Aaron Rosenberg How would you approach creating a game with Delphi? I keep playing with Delphi Prism and recently downloaded XNA Game Studio 3.0. It installs very nicely into Delphi Prism. I wonder what is the most commonly used software for creating games that will…

A "Nullable" Post

Author: Barry K21557 [This blog post is by Allen Bauer, but during the blog engine migration was attributed to the wrong author.] Solving problems can be fun and challenging. What is really challenging is solving a problem using only the tools at hand. During the development…

Dynamic Creation of IntraWeb Components

Author: Craig Stuntz For the past couple of days I’ve been working on an experimental IntraWeb (a.k.a., “VCL for the Web”) project. Since I typically generate user interfaces dynamically, I wanted to see how that worked with IntraWeb. On the surface, it’s fairly similar to the regular VCL, but there are some important differences. Rule number one is that all components you create…
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