
Cross platform anonymous threads and progress notification

Author: David Clegg Reading Anders Ohlsson’s latest blog post about using iOS APIs we don’t wrap reminded me of another couple of helper classes that I created, and which ship with the RAD Studio XE4 samples. The first of these is the TAnonymousThread<T> generic class (in <samples installation directory>Delphi\RTL\CrossPlatform Utils\AnonThread.pas), and is designed to make…
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Clone FireMonkey objects

Author: Vsevolod L1433 I’ve got a task of cloning FireMonkey objects. Let it be “chess”. An object is created as an aggregate in design-time. Look at the picture in the Structure pane. I have made the composite pawn model and start thinking of make 15…

XE3 Visual LiveBindings: User defined objects

Author: Jim T1392 The adapter components TListBindSourceAdapter and TObjectBindSourceAdapter enable LiveBindings with user defined TObjects. Here is a user defined TObject for example. type TContact = class private FFirstName: string; FLastName: string; public constructor Create; overload; constructor Create(const AFirstName, ALastName: string); overload; property…
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Components vs Children in FireMonkey

Author: Jayme Jeffman Filho You have probably iterated through the Components array many many times as a Delphi developer. Consider this simple application: It’s probably no surprise that listing the Components of the form like this… procedure…

ORM Frameworks for Delphi...

I have just returned from myRAD Studio XE3 World Tour stops in Europe. It was great to see so many young and old developers in London, Amsterdam, Warsaw and Heidelberg. In two cities I was asked whether there were any Object Relational Mapping solutions for…

Delphi Training videos and tutorials - from

For those of you who need to learn more about Delphi programming, Alister Christie ( is one of our Embarcadero MVPs, has 74 free Delphi tutorial videos and a long form training videos “Building Applications in Delphi Using the Visual Component Library Part 1 and 2” (12 hours of training) available for sale…
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Custom FireMonkey "TSimpleTriangle" component

Author: Pawe Gowacki Have you ever written a component in Delphi? Reusable components are the corner-stone of rapid application development and important part of Delphi success on the market. Being able to manipulate an instance of a class at design-time is where Delphi…

Getting to grips with using FireMonkey Grids

Although there is a huge amount that is the same for Delphi and C++ Builder developers between VCL and FireMonkey, one thing that has changed is the FireMonkey grids. FireMonkey Grid Example After a recent question at an event, I thought I would put a little demo together to…

Writing a FireMonkey DLL for use with a VCL application.

VCL App calling a FireMonkey DLL We have had a lot of questions on the road show tour about how to mix Fire Monkey and VCL. Although this is not officially supported, a number of blogs have started to appear with ways to do this. One way that is appropriate to add additional functionality to your VCL application is by writing a DLL library that contains your FireMonkey forms and initializing that…
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