C++DelphiTech Partner

Take your Delphi & C++ Builder projects to the next level with Chakra JScript Engine!

Intro Many Delphi developers adore the language integration options of the Embarcadero Delphi and C++ Builder. For instance, you can utilize Assembly language within the Delphi code by just opening asm scope. This is an inline assembly feature. Moreover, you can integrate other languages like Java & JavaScript. With this option, you can create your application 5x faster or even 10x…
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Benchmarking Memory Managers BigBrain 2020 vs. FastMM5

Looking to upgrade the memory manager in Embarcadero Dev C++ I investigated a number of memory manages including FastMM4-AVX. The second memory manager I looked at is called BigBrain 2020 and it looks to have significant performance improvements in some areas. There is a comprehensive blog post by the creator of BigBrain 2020 which compares performance between BigBrain 2020 and FastMM5 (and TC…
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C++DelphiTech Partner

Audio Recorder And Player Component For Delphi/C++ Applications On Windows.

Are you someone struggling with how to build the Audio recorder and player in your Delphi/C++ and Lazarus applications? Don’t worry this post is for you.WINSOFT made Delphi/C++/Lazarus developer’s life easy to quickly build Audio recorder and player features using Audio Component Suite. This Audio Component suite uses Standard Windows Waveform Audio API. It contains a Recorder…
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C++DelphiInterBaseTech Partner

Flexible Enterprise-Grade TUsers Security Component for VCL on Windows

TUsers Security Component helps Delphi Developers implementing User Authentication and User Permissions Management quickly in their Desktop Applications. Password protect menus, buttons, actions, dbgrids, datasets, fields and virtually any VCL component, even 3rd-party componentes, like DevExpress and JVCL. The built-in and user-friendly Admistration Module gives you powerfull and easy user rigths…
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