CodeDelphiRAD Studio

Quickly Define APIDocAttributes To Easily Add Documentation To Your RAD Server Solutions

The sample consists of an EMS package that loads a new resource into the EMS Server provided with RAD Studio. The demo uses FireDAC components to access the Interbase databaseemployee.gdb. The connection parameters are defined in the TFDConnection component. If you experience problems with the connection verify these parameters. It requires InterBase to be installed on the machine or to…
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CodeDelphiRAD Studio

Easily Load And Display Web Content Cross-Platform In Delphi On Android And IOS

The main form of the Sample contains a TWebBrowser component that supports the basic functions of a web browser, such as: navigate to URL, go back and go forward. In this post, you’ll learn how to easily load and display Web Content Cross-Platform In Delphi On Android and IOS using Cross-Platform App Builder. Location You can find theWebBrowsersample project…
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Easily Convert C Code Into Delphi Code With Open Source Solution

Have you ever tried to convert your C programs into Delphi? If it is you? Here is the solution for you! C-To-Delphi–This tool will convert most of your standard C code. It contains a split view, with C on the left and Delphi on the right. The Delphi code gets updated in realtime when you edit the C code. The editors are kept in sync, so you can easily find how a specific…
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CodeDatabaseDelphiRAD Studio

Learn How to Apply Robust Native Controls In FireMonkey With Delphi And C++

The NativeControls sample shows the use of the Native Controls of FireMonkey. To this end it uses several components that are configured with its ControlType property set to Platform in order to have the native styling of that control. Note: Only iOS and Windows support native controls. The following links provide a list of controls that support native presentation on iOS and Windows…
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