
Tracking Changes with InterBase Change Views

The ability to track changes in your database can be a time consuming and tedious process that can in certain circumstances impact the performance of your database and your users. InterBase offers an easy to implement solution to tracking those changes. What are Change Views? Change Views are a patented subscription model used to subscribe to data and identify what data has changed in the…
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Journaling for Disaster Recovery in InterBase

Ensuring that your data can be recovered with minimum downtime and that it won’t be completely lost up to a specific point-in-time can be hugely beneficial in planning a DRP. With InterBase’s ease of use and powerful engine, we sometimes forget how important it is to…

Hit the Ground Running with InterBase

InterBase is a robust, flexible and powerful database with great scaling capabilities and functionality that allows you or your clients to take data offline securely. When you first start with any database software, it can be a little intimidating. Learning about all of the…

InterBase ADO.NET Webinar Replay

I was recently joined by Stephen, Sriram and Marco for a webinar on the release of our updated ADO.NET drivers for InterBase. (Recording below) The ADO.NET driver has both 32 and 64 bit support for InterBase and integration with DDEX and Entity Framework 6, giving you full customization and control over your development with InterBase and Visual Studio. InterBase server runs on Linux and Windows…
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Backup and Restore Your InterBase Databases

All Database backup software reduces time, money and data loss due to corruption or system failure. With InterBase server, you get the same level of protection built in at no additional cost to you. Database backups can be stored locally or in a shared environment as part of…

InterBase Performance Monitor

As application developers, when there is a problem in our code we use tools to discover where those problem lies. Just like in code, when there is a problem with the database, we need to use specific tools that monitor and tune our databases.   When you are looking at…

Importing and exporting data with IBConsole

There are several options available for migrating or importing data with InterBase databases. No matter if you are migrating and need to import data into your new database or exporting your data to use in third party systems. One of those options is IBConsole. IBConsole provides you with an easy to use format for both exporting and importing data into your IB databases. For this example, we will…
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User Defined Functions with InterBase

InterBase has several built in functions that developers can use to create and optimize SQL queries. In some situations though, you may find yourself needing to expand queries or work with more complex queries that include string, date and statistical functions.

Using InterBase Change Views

With Change Views, you have this patented method to work with that is a lot easier to develop and scale for your customer base. Using InterBase Change Views, you can now identify specifically what deltas have changed at the field level. Change views are a subscription based…

Migrating from BDE/Paradox to InterBase

Since the release of Delphi and C++Builder 10.4, we have created more ways for developers to easily migrate and upgrade their existing legacy applications from Borland Delphi and C++Builder to new modernized versions.  While there are many reasons why one should upgrade to the newer version, sometimes it doesn’t sound like the most feasible idea. It can be a daunting task when you consider…
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