
PyTorch for Delphi with the Python Data Sciences Libraries

Last week we look at the Python developer side of the Embarcadero Python Ecosystem with DelphiFMX. This week are are looking at the Delphi (and potentially C++Builder) side of the ecosystem. Embarcadero Open Source Live Stream The next installment takes a look at the new Python Data Sciences Libraries and related projects that make it super easy write Delphi code against Python libraries…
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Enter the Skia4Delphi GUI Beauty Contest

TL;DR: Make a cool demo using Skia4Delphi and Delphi 11.1 Alexandria, post it on GitHub, be the envy of all your friends, and maybe win a prize! We all know Delphi is the best tool when it comes to making amazing GUI applications. Use Skia4Delphi to take it to the next…

Supercharge Your User Interface with Skia4Delphi - Webinar Replay

What do Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Chrome OS, Android, Flutter, and Delphi all have in common? They have accelerated graphics thanks to Skia. This high-performance, cross-platform 2D graphics library is taking the development world by storm. It works with VCL and FireMonkey on every platform Delphi supports. One line of code can make your existing FireMonkey applications faster, or take it…
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Local Cloud - Data Management with InterBase and AWS

Cloud is great, but sometimes you want local data too. This session takes a look at how to synchronize your data between Amazon’s cloud-based data hosting (AWS) and InterBase local storage. Learn the advantages of such a system and when you might want such an…

Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence [Webinar]

Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence rocketed from the realm of science fiction becoming the most talked about topics in the tech and business world. Machine Learning (ML) is a subset of the computer science discipline of Artificial Intelligence (AI). Artificial…

Introducing RAD Studio 11.1 Alexandria [Webinar Replay]

RAD Studio 11.1 is the next release of all our favorite development tools. Join Marco Cantu, David Millington, Kyle Wheeler, and Jim McKeeth for this webinar to take a look at what is new in RAD Studio Alexandria 11.1. A must see webinar for all fans of Delphi, C++Builder, and RAD Studio. [Download a trial] [Customer Portal] [Buy Now] [Renew] Watch the Replay on YouTube RAD…
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Working with VCL Styles and the Bitmap Style Designer #Delphi27th

I was discussing VCL Styles and the Bitmap Style Designer recently and came across a few webinars that I thought would be great to revisit. VCL Styles are a fast and easy way to give your VCL application a modern UI. RAD Studio, Delphi, and C++Builder ship with 39 VCL Styles, 14 of which are High-DPI. There are 25 more Premium VCL Styles in the GetIt Package Manager, free for everyone on update…
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