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Introducing RAD Studio 11.1 Alexandria [Webinar Replay]

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RAD Studio 11.1 is the next release of all our favorite development tools. Join Marco Cantu, David Millington, Kyle Wheeler, and Jim McKeeth for this webinar to take a look at what is new in RAD Studio Alexandria 11.1. A must see webinar for all fans of Delphi, C++Builder, and RAD Studio.

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Watch the Replay on YouTube

RAD Studio 11.1 Slides

The Landscape

  • Microsoft released Windows 11
    • Fully focused on it, key reason for picking “11”
    • New dev platform Windows App SDK (aka Project Reunion)
  • Transition to ARM on desktop
    • Led by Apple with MacOS
    • Plus, ARM reigns on mobile platforms
  • Developers on 4K
    • High resolution and multiscreen are common for developers
    • Growing also for end-users

What’s Great in RAD Studio

Developer Productivity – Shipping is a feature. Get to market 5x faster with Delphi and C++ Builder

Fast Native Apps – With native compilers, RAD Studio gives your apps the speed they need (no bloat)

Database Access – Key to Delphi’s initial design, database access is integral to RAD Studio

Powerful C++ Libraries – Hundreds of C++ libraries can be used in C++Builder or Delphi in RAD Studio

Platform API Access – Gives you access to the entire platform APIs on all platforms

Visual Designers – Forget prototyping in another tool, just design it and finish it in the RAD Studio IDE

Strong Community – Full of Technology Partners, MVPs, trainers, authors and developers

Backward Compatibility – You have an investment in your code, RAD Studio keeps that relevant

RAD Studio 11.0 Summary

  1. Large Focus on IDE
    • IDE High DPI and High DPI enabled form designer
    • VCL styles in VCL designer; improvements to FMX designer and Multi-window design/code for a unit
    • LSP quality and new C++ code formatter
    • New Welcome page
    • Visual Studio Code LSP support
    • Minimal installer improvements
  2. Delphi and C++ compilers and toolchains
    • C++ Quality: RTTI (components); exception handling
    • Delphi MacOS 64 ARM (M1) compiler and toolchain
    • Minor Delphi language improvements RAD Studio 11.0 Summary
  3. Libraries Improvements
    • Delphi RTL quality: TZipFile, 64-bit data structures, Bluetooth LE
    • VCL Modernization work
    • Better FMX High DPI on Windows and desktop integration, including WebView 2
    • Android API 30 support and related work
  4. Additional Delphi Platforms
    • Support for WSL 2 (Windows Subsystem for Linux)
    • Including WSLg (Linux GUI) on Windows 11

RAD Studio 11.1 Overview

  1. Focus on Quality and Improvements
    • Usability, performance, stability
    • Some new small IDE features
  2. Better Code Insight and LSP
    • For both languages, Delphi and C++
  3. Platforms and Tooling
    • Official support for Windows 11, MacOS 12 Monterey, iOS 15, and Android 12
  4. Libraries
    • Performance and quality improvements and small additions to Delphi RTL, database libraries, VCL, FireMonkey

RAD Studio IDE

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11.0: IDE and Designers

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  • High DPI IDE
    • Crisp fonts in all windows and the editor
  • High DPI enabled form designer
  • Active Styles in VCL Designer
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11.1: IDE Quality

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  • Extensive High DPI IDE quality
    • Better use of the IDE with Remote Desktop Improvements in Toolbar, font sizing
    • Better scaling when dragging windows between different resolution monitors
    • Additional IDE Fix Pack integration
  • Improved High DPI designers for VCL and FireMonkey and the styled VCL form designer
  • GetIt dialog enhancements with image caching and reworked UI (based on VCL TControlList)
  • “Start working” in user mode

11.1: IDE Enhancements

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  • Messages view: errors, warnings, and hints are differentiated by color (the colors can be customized)
  • New Items dialog: available platforms for each item
    • Also uses TControlList and offers other views
  • The Compile dialog shows the platform and build configuration
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11.0: New Welcome Page

  • New native Welcome page, VCL based and flexible
  • Layout and content is fully customizable: show what and where you want
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11.1: Welcome Page Updates

  • Background wallpapers
    • Predefined for each of the 3 styles, you can use a custom image
  • Supports adding custom frames with ToolsAPI
    • Demos on github.com/Embarcadero/RADStudio11Demos in Object Pascal ➤ VCL ➤ VCL WelcomePage
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11.1 Code Insight Across Delphi and C++Builder

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  • Delphi LSP quality work
    • Big performance improvements, in common scenarios operations are 5-30x faster
    • Biggest changes for units with lots of dependences
    • Improvements: type parameters when completing a class declaration, including T in a generic declaration, and showing set types
  • Extensive C++ cquery quality work
    • Significant improvement to the features and performance (e.g., 30s down to 2 seconds)
    • Planning a special C++ only follow-up release soon with even more improvements

C++ and Delphi Compilers and Tools

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11.0 Compilers

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  • New Delphi MacOS 64-bit ARM target platform
    • Universal binary (package Intel + ARM)
  • Minor Delphi language enhancements
    • Binary literals and digit separator support
    • Inline assembler support for AVX instructions (AVX-512)
  • C++ Compilers
    • Improved RTTI (for components)
    • Further work on exception handling
    • CMake: revision of functionality and packages it can handle
    • C++/Delphi interop improvements

11.1 Compilers and Debuggers

  • Delphi compilers improve stability and performance (when used by LSP engine)
    • The Delphi and C++Builder Window compilers have additional support for ASLR, DEP/NX, and TSAWARE platform security settings, now enabled by default
  • New Delphi Debuggers based on LLDB
    • Delphi macOS 64-bit ARM debugger
    • Delphi Android 64-bit debugger
      • Part of strategic direction for RAD Studio debuggers to LLDB
  • C++ compiler, STL and RTL quality
    • Further improved Delphi RTL integration
      • For example, dynamic array with STL iterators

New Linker Options

  • Data Execution Prevention (DEP)
    • Allows the system to mark one or more pages of memory as non-executable preventing code from running from these regions of memory, making it harder to exploit buffer overruns.
  • Address Space Layout Randomization (ASLR)
    • Randomly arranges the address space positions of key data areas of a process, including the base of the executable and the positions of the stack, heap and libraries.
    • Prevents exploitation of memory corruption vulnerabilities.
  • High-entropy 64-bit ASLR (Only in 64-bit applications)
    • Allows ASLR to use the entire 64-bit address space.
  • Terminal Services
    • Create Terminal Server aware (TSAWARE) applications.

New 11.1 Delphi Compiler Linking Options

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New 11.1 C++Builder Linker Options

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RAD 11.1 Libraries Quality & Improvements

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“Alexandria” VCL Improvements

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  • 11.0: Modernization Work
    • “New” RichEdit implementation (RichEdit 4.1)
    • Large collection of small improvements focused on removing XP legacies
    • New TDBLabeledEdit component
  • 11.1 VCL focus on recent features
    • Including enhanced TTreeView, TRichEdit, TEdgeBrowser, TLabelledEdit and TNumberBox, flickering and DoubleBuffering, VCL High-DPI and scaling issues
    • A Delphi WinUI3 demo (available in GetIt)
      • Part of our Windows App SDK focus

FireMonkey in “Alexandria”

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11.0 Desktop and Mobile Improvements

  • Better FMX Windows and desktop integration
  • FireMonkey Windows High-DPI improvements
    • From pixels to device independent units (PX to DP)
  • Target Android API 30 (AndroidX, in-app purchases,
  • matching new Play Store requirements)
  • WebView 2 (Chromium Edge) implementation of TWebBrowser

11.1 Quality Work

  • TListView and TWebBrowser quality
  • Improved Android SDK integration
  • Windows High DPI-related issues
  • Performance and much more

Delphi RTL in “Alexandria”

  • 11.0 Key Features
    • TZipFile (including Zip64, files deletion, quality improvements and optimizations)
    • Large data structures (and 64-bit) improvements
      • Lists, large stream operations, dictionary improvements for hashing and capacity
    • Record helpers for TDateTime and TCurrency, UTCNow function
    • New core classes: TNoRefCountObject and TPointerStream
    • Bluetooth LE quality (for most platforms)
    • Performance optimizations and RTTI improvements (open array support)
    • PPL Thread pool statistics
  • 11.1 Delphi RTL optimization and quality work
    • New TURLStream class (a TStream descendant with support for async operations)
    • Support for Window 11 and Server 2022 in the TOSVersion data structure

11.1 Data and Internet Improvements

  • Data RTL and FireDAC Improvements
    • FireDAC Structure View integration
    • Support for MariaDB 10.6, SQLite Encryption Extension (SEE), Firebird 4 new data types
  • RAD Server
    • New REST SysAdmin endpoints for logs handling, backups management, and database validation
    • Integrated deployment feature for RSLite
      • RAD Server Lite (introduced in 11.0): Embeds IBToGo, easy to deploy, unlimited deployment, limited throughput
  • Web Technologies
    • WebBroker on Android
    • DataSnap quality

11.1 Quality Portal and Overall Quality

  • Specific fixes for over 650 QP issues
    • New Features: 30
    • Bugs: 632*

*Estimate, pending final testing on a few issues, doesn’t include duplicates and won’t fix/works as expected items

  • QP issues addressed by product area:
    • IDE: over 250 issues
    • FireMonkey and VCL: around 100 issues each
    • RTL, Data, Compilers: over 50 issues for each area

Additional Product Initiatives

  • Appercept’s AWS SDK for Delphi
    • Long term distribution deal, included in Enterprise and Architect
    • New releases expected at a constant pace
  • Delphi UI libraries (VCL + FMX) for Python
    • Free UI library for Python developers
    • Upgrade to a Delphi license for additional power and features
    • Also, you can use Python in Delphi applications

RAD Studio 11.1 Summary

  1. Focus on Quality and Improvements
    1. Usability, performance, stability
    1. Extensive High DPI IDE quality (and Remote Desktop)
    1. Improved High DPI designers for VCL and FireMonkey and the styled VCL form designer
    1. Welcome Page now offers background images and supports adding custom frames
    1. GetIt dialog with cached images and a reworked UI
    1. Small new IDE features
  2. Better Code Insight and LSP
    1. Significative C++ cquery LSP engine work
    1. Delphi LSP performance focus and quality
  3. Platforms and Tooling
    1. Official support for Windows 11, MacOS 12 Monterey , iOS 15, and Android 12
    1. Delphi MacOS 64-bit ARM debugger and Android 64-bit debugger based on LLDB
    1. C++ STL and RTL improve
  4. Libraries
    1. Performance and quality improvements and small additions to Delphi RTL, database libraries, VCL, FireMonkey
    1. Some new small features

More Information

With Rad’s Studio Application Builder Software, you can test out the software in the Delphi or C++ environments. Try the free tool here.

See What's Coming in 12.2 Athens Dev Days of Summer 2-24

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About author

Director of Delphi Consulting for GDK Software USA. Many software related patents, including swipe and pattern unlock and search engines. First Silver and Gold Delphi badges on Stack Overflow Former Developer Advocate for Embarcadero Technologies. Long time fan of programming, especially with Delphi. Author, Podcaster/YouTuber, Improvisor, Public Speaker, Father, and Friend.


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