
Dev-C++ Modernized With Powerful New FastMM5 Memory Manager For Delphi

Embarcadero Dev-C++ is an open source C/C++ IDE project built in Delphi. Dev-C++ has been downloaded over 67 MILLON times since 2000 and a modernization effort was sponsored by Embarcadero to bring it up to the latest version of Delphi. The original version by Bloodshed software was originally built in Delphi 6 and then probably upgraded to Delphi 7. A newer unofficial fork called Orwell Dev-C++…
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DelphiTech Partner

Delphi library for interoperability with Java using WINSOFT JavaBridge

Intro Java Native Interface is a standard programming interface for writing Java native methods. Most JNI developers utilize C/C++ but most of the JNI header files ported to Delphi. In a simple word: Java Native Interface (JNI) is the Java interface to non-Java code. And when you work with data types you should always convert data between Delphi and Java. JavaBridge library WINSOFT offers…
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DelphiRAD Studio

Setting up the IDE for your First Android App

I’ve recently had an increase in the number of customers asking about getting started with Android programming with Delphi, so I thought it was a good time to refresh how to check your IDE is set up, how to enable developer mode on an Android phone, and how to quickly…
C++DelphiTech Partner

Set of utilities for Delphi and C++Builder to speed up your development process

Intro When you start building any project, you might end up creating functions to use in several points of your application. Maybe you develop a set of code snippets. Utilities are an important point of connection between your software and the device it runs on, but what if you didn’t have to create them yourself? WinSoft offers a Utils library that gives you a bunch of functions to…
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Benchmarking Memory Managers BigBrain 2020 vs. FastMM5

Looking to upgrade the memory manager in Embarcadero Dev C++ I investigated a number of memory manages including FastMM4-AVX. The second memory manager I looked at is called BigBrain 2020 and it looks to have significant performance improvements in some areas. There is a comprehensive blog post by the creator of BigBrain 2020 which compares performance between BigBrain 2020 and FastMM5 (and TC…
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