
Manage Your Collection Of Pages Easily With TCardPanel Component For Your Delphi VCL Application

We know TPanel Control has methods to help manage the placement of child controls embedded in the panel. You can also use panels to group controls together, similar to the way you can use a group box. How about having a collection of cards or pages which help to manage the child controls and display only one of them at a time similar to a TabControl? Yes, Delphi provides an excellent VCL…
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Lovingly Crafted Software To Plan And Simulate Virtual Model Railroads Is Built In Delphi

The 3D Train Studio is an easy-to-use application for planning your perfect model railway and it is built in Delphi. With 3D Train Studio, users can construct their own unique, detailed layouts on their PCs with thousands of tracks to choose from. They can create landscapes consisting of mountains and valleys, place houses and trees along streets and roads and construct their own miniature…
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Quickly Log Python Script Output To The Delphi Debug Log In Your Windows Apps

Sometimes developers need to log the output messages in Delphi for debugging purposes. You might aware this can be achieved by the windows API OutputDebugStringA. How about direct your python output messages to the Delphi Events Log Window? Yes, Python4Delphi has a flexible component PythonInputOutput to redirect your python output to the Delphi Events Log window with less code. You can…
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