CodeDatabaseDelphiRAD Studio

Quickly Build A Drawer With The TMultiView Component For Android And iOS Apps Using FireMonkey In Delphi

The MultiViewDemo sample demonstrates how to build an application that implements the “master-detail” interface and how to use the master panel presentation modes. In this post, we’ll show a sample that allows you to change the master panel characteristics, such as mode, placement, sliding mode, shadow properties, etc, with the help and use of Windows App Development Tools.
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C++DelphiRAD Studio

Build Visual Stunning Apps Faster With Less Code Using RAD Studio Architect Edition

See first hand how to develop faster with the extra features included in the RAD Studio Architect edition, including Aqua Data Studio, Sencha Ext JS, Ranorex. This low code RAD demo includes the development of Web, Mobile, and Desktop UI’s with a RESTful server. In the webinar Stephen Ball, Mary Kelly, and Alex Ruiz will discuss and demo Aqua Data Studio, Sencha Architect, and RAD Server…
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C++DelphiRAD Studio

Get These Visually Stunning FireMonkey Styles Free To Enhance User Experience In Your Delphi Apps

Last few years, we can see that many amazing and visually stunning FireMonkey and VCL styles have been developed. With these kinds of styles, you can take your user experience of the application to next level by just applying it with the TStyleBook component. TStyleBook component stores a collection of styles for a form. When you understand styles and this TStyleBook you can easily customize…
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