C++CodeRAD Studio

Three Important Modern C++ Features That Can Be Used With C++ Builder

Hello C++ Developers, this week, we have 3 more modern C++ features that can be used in C++ Builder. In C++14 you can store string in strings using modern programming methods. In the first post, we explain how you can preserve the string format especially when we use a string in a string with /”. Containers are powerful data storage arrays in modern C++ and they are very useful for iterating…
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5 Of The Many Reasons LearnCplusPlus.org Is A Hidden Gem

Hello C++ Developers, LearnCPlusPlus.orgis packed full of great articles for professionals and beginners alike. The posts vary from articles suitable for people who are just starting to learn C++ – basics like string handling, pointers, loops and all those fundamental building blocks of this rich and powerful programming language – to much more in-depth and advanced subjects…
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Using a Common C++ Library with C++Builder and TwineCompile

One of the many big advantages to using C++ for applications and projects is the access one has to the vast library of C++  libraries and frameworks available. Basically, there is a C++ library for anything, and if there isn’t, there is definitely a C  library for it.  Back in the day, it was generally a challenge to integrate different libraries into C++ projects due to the variances…
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C++RAD Studio

Quickly Add The Powerful Boost C++ Library To Your Windows Projects

C++ is a popular programming language in the world of software development. With so many libraries available, developers can spend less time creating scientific and complex applications. The Boost library is one of the most well-known in the C++ community. Because the Boost community is constantly researching and developing new features, the Boost library is updated every 3-5 months. The Boost…
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