DelphiRAD Studio

Utilize The Power Of Windows Management Instrumentation In Your Delphi Applications

When you create enterprise applications, sometimes you need to automate administrative tasks in your system. With Delphi and GLibWMI components, it is so easy. Through WMI you can control a local or remote Windows-based computer, despite the system version, utilizing the classes provided by Common Model Information. GLibWMI is a set of components focused on Windows Systems Administration. And…
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Comprehensive AsyncPro Communications Toolkit For Delphi And C++Builder

I have seen several complex embedded Delphi systems in several industries running smoothly. And they have used 3rd parts components or libraries for data communications. One of the best and known toolkits is the Async Professional which provides direct access to serial ports, TAPI, and the Microsoft Speech API. It supports faxing, terminal emulation, VOIP, and more. What can you do with a…
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