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Delphi JOSE JWT Is A Powerful JSON Web Token Library For Delphi

delphi jose and jwt library

Delphi implementation of JWT (JSON Web Token) and the JOSE (JSON Object Signing and Encryption) specification suite. This library supports the JWS (JWE support is planned) compact serializations with several JOSE algorithms.

What is JOSE

JOSE is a standard that provides a general approach to signing and encryption of any content. JOSE consists of several RFC:

Delphi JOSE and JWT Library

General Features

Token serialization

  • One method call to serialize a token

Token deserialization

  • One method call to validate and deserialize a compact token

Claims validation

  • expiatnbfaudisssub claims validatation: supported
  • Easy to use TJOSEConsumer and TJOSEConsumerBuilder classes to validate token with a fine granularity
  • Easy to write custom validators!

Signing algorithms

  • NONE algorithm: supported (but discouraged)
  • HS256HS384HS512 algorithms: supported
  • RS256RS384RS512 algorithms: supported (thanks to SirAlex)
  • ES256ES384ES512 algorithms – not (yet) supported

Head over and check out the Delphi JOSE and JWT Library!

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About author

Software Developer | CS(CyberSec) Undergrad at APU Malaysia | Delphi/C++ Builder Enthusiast | Microsoft Learn Student Ambassador | Microsoft Azure Certified


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