C++DelphiRAD Studio

High-Performance Bluetooth Low Energy Library For RAD Developers

Embarcadero offers a set of components and libraries to work with Bluetooth Low Energy or just BLE-enabled devices. For instance, you can utilize the new TBluetoothLE component to implement the RTL BluetoothLE feature for server and client applications using with FireMonkey. Furthermore, the RTL provides a BLE scan filter implementation that takes advantage of the new BLE low consumption chips.
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Powered by Delphi: An Illuminating Artificial Lighting Quality Application

ELightStream mobile client for eLight-03 meters equipped with Bluetooth Low Energy module. The mobile client uses rule-based BLE data acquisition from ECO-E and Quarta environment monitoring devices and it is developed in Delphi. Artificial lighting quality, dosimetry, and microclimate parameters. Includes data rulesets Illuminance, Luminance, Flicker, Battery Level…
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