
RAD Studio with Delphi - The Original Low Code!

These days low-code development is en vogue. Various research groups, such as Gartner, put the low-code application development platform market at ~$10M billion in 2019 and project CAGR to be greater than 20% from 2020 to 2027. In contrast, the market for developer tools has largely remained flat, and growth is estimated to be under 5% at best, largely driven by the wide proliferation of open…
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DelphiRAD Studio

Setting up the IDE for your First Android App

I’ve recently had an increase in the number of customers asking about getting started with Android programming with Delphi, so I thought it was a good time to refresh how to check your IDE is set up, how to enable developer mode on an Android phone, and how to quickly…
DelphiTech Partner

Cross-Platform Automation Projeto ACBr for Delphi on Windows and Android

The ACBr Project, or Commercial Automation Project Brazil, is a set of several Sources, Components, and Programs to help in the development of Applications for the Commercial Automation segment, and distributed under the Open Source. The ACBr ProjecDaniel Simes de Almeida, the Project’s founder, manages the ACBr Project. The ACBr source code and forum are maintained by dozens of…
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C++DelphiTech Partner

High-Performance Powerful DSP Master for Delphi on Windows

DSP Master is a digital signal processing add-on package for MtxVec math library. Strong and fast on filter design and Fast Fourier Transform (FFT), this DSP software can help you build the exact frequency analyzer and the precise filters you need. Dew Research develops numerical, statistical, and digital signal processing libraries, which scientists and engineers need to build standalone…
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Adopting the OpenJDK for Delphi Android Development

In this post, you’ll learn how to install OpenJDK, which is required for using the Windows IDE for Android development. Continue reading to learn why you should use the OpenJDK and how it can help your development journey. You might not realize it, but Java comes in a variety of flavors and parts. Oracle became the official owner of the Java trademark and the main…
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