
Delphi Built: An Impressive Application For Controlling Quantel Laser

Quantel Laser Control is an impressive application that is built in Delphi. As stated by the developer, “This app can be used to control the Quantel Viron laser over a Bluetooth connection. Support for other lasers will be added in the future.” According to their website, “LUMIBIRD is one of the world’s leading specialists in lasers. With 50 years of experience and…
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Manipulate Excel Files On Windows, Android, iOS, macOS, And Linux

FlexCel is one of the most robust and comprehensive component suites for native Excel reports and file generation using VCL and FireMonkey. It includes over 300 Excel functions for calculation. The best part is that it is a cross-platform component suite with native support for reading and creating Excel files. TMS FlexCel supports more than that. For instance, you can export .XLS &amp…
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Rapidly Create Modern Looking Responsive Master-Detail User Interfaces

RAD Studio comes with hundreds of visual and non-visual components to make developers’ life easier. But not knowing how to use them is the problem most of the time. I have seen many new VCL and FMX developers try to do something within a hard way. So, we are here for you to help on making things easy for you. Most of the time problems occur when a developer does not know what he has…
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