
Top Five Android And IOS Device Sensors You Can Easily Access From FireMonkey

RAD Studio in FireMonkey provides access to a variety of device sensors on Android and iOS. Six different demos show how to easily access a variety of these various sensors. The demos include the Gyroscope, Accelerometer, AccessCameraApp/CameraComponent, Location, and OrientationSensor. These demos make use of the TOrientationSensor, TLocationSensor, TMotionSensor, TCameraComponent, and…
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C++ Boot Camp: Game Development

Author: Aidan K7359 11-August-2016 / Day 4 of C++ Boot Camp is C++ Game Development hosted by Eli M., MVP, Developer and Entrepreneur from FMXExpress.com Four different games with classic game mechanics will be demonstrated. We will be also be covering topics such as App Tethering, utilizing TFrames to build your UI, using TRectangle as a light weight image object, accessing the device motion…
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Using CMake with the free Embarcadero C++ compiler

Do you want to use CMake with the newly released free compiler? This post quickly runs you through installing both the compiler and CMake, and shows an example build using two C++ files and the corresponding CMakeLists.txt. CMake is a popular third-party build tool. Ensuring…

June 16 Webinar - RAD Server Application Deep Dive - Creating a Department Store Retail Solution

During this webinar you’ll learn how to develop and deploy a real world Department Store Retail application using Embarcadero RAD Server. The client app runs on smartphones and the server side executes on IIS production servers on premises and on Amazon.The content covered on this webinar goes deeper technically into the department store solution that was first presented as part of the…
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Closing the Class Helpers Private Access Loophole

As many of you know, Embarcadero made a change to the Delphi compiler in 10.1 Berlin to close an existing bug that allowed access to private data of any class via a class helper. Developers who were leveraging this hack would need a migration strategy. Private is&#8230…

Using the Floating Form Designer in Delphi

The Floating Form Designer is often commented as one of the reasons many developers still love using Delphi 7after almost 14 years. In that time Delphi has moved on a long way,firstly moving to theGalileo(docked) IDE, added unicode,64bit compiler, Generics, Attributes, RTTI (or reflection for .Net people), FireMonkey, cross platform compilers for Mac, iOS and Android…
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