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IoT Boot Camp 2017

Author: Gabe

 In this bootcamp you will learn how to build a RESTful Network of IoT Devices with Arduino and RAD Server. Arduino open source hardware provides a flexible platform to build connected Internet of Things hardware projects. RAD Server provides a RESTful service. 

Join industry experts for this FREE 4-day online workshop that ran February 6th to 9th. Create connected device projects with open source hardware. Connect several IoT (Internet of Things) devices to a smart network with RAD Server. Publish your RAD Server APIs with YAML and Swagger and share your smart network with the world.

During the course of this Boot Camp, you’ll have the opportunity to participate in these engaging experiences:


If you aren’t currently on RAD Studio Berlin, then upgrade now, or download the 30-day free trial

The IoT Boot Camp is powered by RAD Studio (Delphi or C++Builder) + RAD Server + Visuino. You will also want CommunicationLab, InstrumentLab and PlotLab from Mitov Software. Get version or later. [See the checklist]

Visuino is the latest innovative software from Mitov Software. A visual programming environment allowing you to program your Arduino boards. It currently supports the official Arduino boards, ESP8266, Controllino, Goldilocks Analogue, and number of Arduino clones.

It brings rapid application prototyping and developing to the Arduino platform. Combining it with some libraries from Mitov software and Delphi or C++Builder with RAD Server creates a complete IoT solution with connectivity to multiple platforms, devices, data storage and web services.



Thanks to the hard work of Boian Mitov of Visuino and Mitov Software, and the fine folks over at MakerFabs we have an official kit for our boot camp. This kit was designed to work with our boot camp, so you will know you are getting quality compatible components. We may not get to all of these components during the bootcamp, but we will follow up with more materials after the camp to put them to work.

MakerFabs IoT Boot Camp Kit

They offer a few shipping options so you should be able to get your package in time. If not, or if you want to only order some of the parts, even from a different vendor, here is the list of parts in the package. The bundled package also includes a nice case and discount.

Package List:

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