CodeDelphiRAD Studio

5 EASY Ways To Integrate Image Processing In Your Apps

In this article, we’ll go over what image processing is, how digital image processing is superior, Image Processing vs Computer Vision, using python windows GUI builder for image processing, using python libraries to perform image processing tasks, and much more. What does image processing mean? According to Gonzalez and Rafael in 2018, Image Processing or Digital Image Processing…
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Building Good with C++Builder Contest

Contest Introducing the Building Good with C++Builder Contest! A contest to show your achievements with C++Builder that benefit people, communities, and the world. We know many people use C++Builder to create software that does good: helps a nonprofit, assists scientific research, provides a tool to help with a daily task, and more. We’re running a contest to see the best software you’re…
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CodeDelphiRAD Studio

Machine Learning: 5 Ways To Use ML in your Windows Apps

How do I start using Machine Learning in Windows? Machine learning isn’t just for the cloud, or run locally in a web browser or command prompt. Microsoft is bringing it to PCs in the latest Windows 10 release. For example, Microsoft provides Python’s WinRT to create Windows Machine Learning applications, and ONNX (Open Neural Network Exchange) format, an open standard for sharing trained…
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TCoffeeAndCode - Spring Central Time Series

We are continuing the popular TCoffeeAndCode series. We kick off the Spring Time series for the Central Time zone with our 2 hour Q&A conversations. If you aren’t familiar with TCoffeeAndCode, it is a weekly “coffee shop” conversation with developers…

Powerful Modern Looking Cross-Platform Chart Components For Windows And Mobile

Data visualization is one of the essential parts of most applications. Without visual or graphical representation the data is somehow boring. With charts, diagrams and maps you can easily understand the data by just looking at it. Creating a graphical representation of the data in Delphi is very easy because of its built-in components. For instance, the TeeChart component library has 2D and 3D…
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