
Mobile With Delphi: The Visually Stunning Wine Unit

Your mobile phone is not the first place to spring to mind when you think of wine. Mankind has had some sort of relationship with wine for centuries, possibly even thousands of years according to some reports. The oldest drinkable wine is known as The Speyer bottle which dates back to Roman times. Anyone who has seen ancient Roman and Greek mosaics will have noticed their apparent pre-occupation…
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Powerful Business Management iOS & Android App

Wood and timber have been a flourishing industry for thousands of years. Some of the oldest traces of early mankind include evidence that we were using wood to make our lives easier; as tables, for leverage on the slabs of Stonehenge, bridge pillars in ancient muddy causeways. Even arrows to help us obtain meat and food bowls in which to prepare and consume it. The dragon-headed Viking longships…
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Incredible Wind Triangle Solving App Is Made In Delphi

We’ve written before about some of the wonderful ways Delphi developers are helping pilots with the difficult job of defying gravity in their aircraft. The reliability of Delphi applications and the cross-platform power of FireMonkey FMX framework, combined with the skillful craftwork of the software engineer seems to lend itself very neatly to solving problems. Aviation is one of those…
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High-Performance Integration For Humanitas

When your users are trying to access things like their health-plan information, the responsiveness of your apps can often be key. There is nothing more frustrating than clicking on a button in a mobile app and then waiting for what seems like a lifetime to get some sort of…

Creating Your First Native Mobile Apps For iOS And Android

Market trend data clearly shows that mobile is now the dominant platform for end-user engagement, with Android being the market’s largest platform today. As a result, having a mobile strategy in place as part of a comprehensive software vision is more important than ever. When looking to develop a mobile application, a number of key considerations come into play, (Covered in the White Paper…
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