
Using Python4Delphi with C++Builder (webinar)

David I. has a fantastic blog post on using Python4Delphi with C++Builder. This was inspired by our previous webinars on the topic. and is the result of his collaboration with Kiriakos (AKA PyScripter), the maintainer of Python4Delphi, who also made some changes in the library to work better with C++Builder. By popular request, David and Kiriakos have also agreed to run a Python for C++ developers…
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Learn To Use Events To Build Python GUI Apps For Windows With Delphi And C++

An event links an occurrence in the system with the code that responds to that occurrence. The occurrence triggers the execution of a procedure called an event handler. The event handler performs the tasks that are required in response to the occurrence. Events allow the behavior of a component to be customized at design-time or at run time. Do you want to trigger and handle an event similar to…
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