
Convert Hex String to an Integer Value.

Author: Embarcadero USA Technical Information Database TI2203C.txt Convert Hex String to an Integer Value. Category :General Platform :All Product :C/C++ All Description: This document provides a method to read hexadecimal numbers. The atoi() function ignores the A-F digits in a hexadecimal number. In fact, the first non-digit character in the string passed to atoi()…
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Output Numbers with Thousands Separator

Author: Embarcadero USA Technical Information Database TI2183C.txt Output Numbers with Thousands Separator Category :General Platform :All Product :C/C++ All Description: How do I output comma-formatted numbers such as 1,000,000 with C++ IOStreams?

How to Build and Use a Simple DLL

Author: Embarcadero USA Technical Information Database TI2195C.txt How to Build and Use a Simple DLL Category :General Platform :All Product :C/C++ All Description: This document discusses how to create dynamically linked libraries (DLLs) using version 5.0 of…

Error solutions and limitations of Paradox Engine

Author: Embarcadero USA Technical Information Database TI239B.txt Error solutions and limitations of Paradox Engine Category :General Programming Platform :All Product :Paradox Engine All Description: Limitations of the Paradox Engine ============================================== The Paradox Engine version 3.01 was intended for use on DOS 3.1 through DOS 5.x, and/or Windows 3.x…
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Null Pointer Assignment Errors Explained

Author: Embarcadero USA Technical Information Database TI500C.txt Null Pointer Assignment Errors Explained Category :General Platform :All Product :Borland C++ All Description: 1. What is a Null Pointer Assignment error? The Null Pointer…

Getting Input In Graphics Mode

Author: Embarcadero USA Technical Information Database TI676C.txt Getting Input In Graphics Mode Category :General Platform :All Product :Borland C++ 3.0 Description: This program demonstrates how to get input from the user in …

Resolving Undefined Symbol linker messages.

Author: Embarcadero USA Technical Information Database TI867C.txt Resolving Undefined Symbol linker messages. Category :General Platform :All Product :Borland C++ 3.x Description: The purpose of this document is to provide an overview of the Linking process and help in identifying causes of 'unresolved external symbols'. The code for printf is in a module in…
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