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Manual uninstall of RAD Studio/Delphi/C++Builder 10.4 Sydney

Note that due to a bug in the editor at the time this article was written the slashes are shown in reverse – you need to use correct backslashes not the forward slashes shown here. We will update this article shortly with the correct slash format!

Launch the License Manager from the bin folder (by default “C:/Program Files (x86)/Embarcadero/Studio/21.0/bin/LicenseManager.exe“) and delete any trial or beta (Test Field) license that you can find. Check it under “License Details” in the center column.

Under your Control Panel’s Program and Features Add/Remove Program uninstall the following entries:

RAD Studio 10.4 version 21.0

Please follow these instructions to remove any leftover files:

If Windows 64-bit, remove the C:/Program Files (x86)/Embarcadero/Studio/21.0 directory (or the custom folder you had used).

Remove the C:/Users/Public/Documents/Embarcadero/Studio/21.0 directory

Remove the C:/ProgramData/Embarcadero/Studio/21.0 directory.

Remove the %APPDATA%/Embarcadero/BDS/21.0 directory.

Remove the HKEY_CURRENT_USER/SOFTWARE/Embarcadero/BDS/21.0 registry key

If Windows 64-bit, remove the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/Wow6432Node/Embarcadero/BDS21.0

If Windows 64-bit, remove the following files from C:/Windows/SysWOW64:


Field testers should also do the following (and others may want to as well): Delete the Godzilla license from License manager before uninstalling it or during the installation of RAD Studio 10.4 Sydney

If you had problems in the second step (uninstalling from Windows Control Panel), try this Microsoft tool to solve un-installation problems:


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