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C++ with LINQ

Author: Shinji Chikugi I found an interesting C++ libraly.That is “LINQ for C++”. What’s “LINQ”? LINQ (Integrated Language Query) is a function of C#. LINQ issues a query to the container and gets the result. For details, please refer to MSDN. https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/csharp/linq/ LINQ for C++ “LINQ for C++” is the libraly enable to use LINQ…
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Building Stunning UIs with C++ and FireMonkey

With many companies taking the “mobile first” approach, building applications that work on multiple platforms is a requirement for success. Developers who know how to build for more than one platform are in demand, while application users have become accustomed to…

Evolution of C++ standards

Programming languages are exciting for developers, and C++, one of the more technically challenging and also perhaps the most widely used compiled language, is one of the most exciting. As Theodore Roosevelt is misquoted (*), ‘the more you know about the past…

RAD Studio開發相關的一些重要更新資訊

已經是5月下旬了, 對於開發人員來說今年有數件重要的開發事件值得關注. 首先是RAD Studio本身, 從RAD Studio最新幾個版本我們可以觀察到RAD Studio現在每一個大版本之後會有數個hot fix以及3個更新小版本. 而這些更新都需要使用者到特定的URL下載安裝, 而且有許多使用者並不知道已經有hot…
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RAD Studio开发相关的一些重要更新信息

已经是5月下旬了, 对于开发人员来说今年有数件重要的开发事件值得关注. 首先是RAD Studio本身, 从RAD Studio最新几个版本我们可以观察到RAD Studio现在每一个大版本之后会有数个hot fix以及3个更新小版本.

Test Unitarios; Framework DUnitX (Entrega 4)

Author: Germán Estévez Completamos con esta entrada la serie sobre test unitarios, centrándonos en el Framework DUnitX, que es el que actualmente embarcadero recomienda y se incluye en las últimas versiones de Delphi. Test Unitarios; Introducción (Entrega 1) Test…

SHA Hash with C++Builder and Delphi

I’ve always been fascinated by encryption & compression, but my favorite is probably the cryptographic hash function. A hash function is a one-way algorithm that takes an input of any size and always produces the same size output. It is one-way in that there is information loss — you can’t easily go from the output to the input again. The cryptographic hash is a more secure…
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RAD Studio 10.2.3 iOS 11.3 Patch available

Earlier this week we released a patch for Delphi, C++Builder and RAD Studio 10.2.3 that adds support for building iOS 11.3 applications for Development, App Store, Ad Hoc or In-House Distribution. This patch fixes the following publicly reported…

3D Credits Scroll with Delphi

A little fun with Delphi for today’s Star Wars day! This is a pretty simple 3D form with a 3D layout at an angle, and then a 2D layout with text and images is animated up the 3D layout. The only code is populating the labels as the animation kicks off automatically. Download the code and run the full credit scroll, or change the message to share with your friends. It is FireMonkey, and while I…
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C++DelphiNewsRAD Studio

What You Can Do With RAD Studio 12.2

RAD Studio 12.2, released on September 12, 2024, has changed the development game again. How? With features never before seen in the IDE, like embedded access to AI-assisted coding, and with…