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Class Implementing Two Interfaces with Duplicate Method Names

Delphionly supports single inheritance. A Delphi class can only descend from a single parent class, but a Delphi class can implement multiple interfaces. type TAthlete = class(THuman, IWalker, IJumper) The TAthlete descends from the THuman parent class (which presumably descends from TInterfacedObject) and it implements both the IWalker and IJumper interfaces.What ifboth…
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InterBase Temporary Tables

InterBase Temporary Tables This last week, InterBase 2020 has been released bringing the awesome Tablespaces feature into play. This new feature enables splitting the database into groups of tables (a Tablespace) that can then be put onto different physical disks (to aid…

Delphi Android 64-bit Support in RAD Studio 10.3.3

In this post, we’ll show you the main features of the just released RAD Studio 10.3.3 the Delphi language support for the Android 64-bit platform. Android 64-bit Delphi Support Platform support is provided by a new Delphi compiler for the Android 64-bit platform, which, like the Android 32-bit counterpart, is based on the LLVM compiler infrastructure (and the iOS compilers). This compiler…
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RAD Studio 10.3.3 Now Available, Learn More

We are very excited to announce the release of Delphi, C++Builder and RAD Studio 10.3.3. 10.3 Rio Release 3 builds on the feature set of 10.3, 10.3.1 and 10.3.2 by adding new capabilities throughout the product. Delphi 10.3.3, C++Builder 10.3.3 and RAD Studio 10.3.3 are now…

InterBase 2020 Released by Embarcadero

Today, Embarcadero is announcing the release of a new version of its InterBase Relational Database Management System (RDBMS), called InterBase 2020.InterBase is a powerful, zero-administration, small-footprint database engine that can power your server and even run on your mobile devices as an embedded database. The InterBase 2020 release adds a number of new features, including…
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FireMonkey & Multi-Device Design - CodeRage Series

This week for CodeRage 2019 we have a lot of great content for our FireMonkey Multi-Device Design series! One of the goals with changing the format this year was to get more people involved who didn’t have the time to create a full 45-minute video. Now I know from…

Cool Apps Get Even Cooler!

Everyone always talks about those other cool apps that are developed with Delphi or C++Builder. Sometimes it is publicly announced, other times companies want to keep it a secret weapon.As our community of developers continue to grow there is more and more value in the…

CodeRage 2019: All About Linux and Advanced FMX

This coming week we are focusing on Linux and Advanced FMX for CodeRage 2019. Register now and you will get access to the videos next week and the ability to submit your questions, and then join us on Thursday for the Q&A round table. The playlist and question form will come through as an update to the Go to Webinar listing, so check your email for that on Monday. Originally I was planning to…
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Running Delphi & HTMX in WordPress - HTMX series part 3

There are over 472 million websites powered by WordPress. What most of them have in common is that they don’t benefit from the power of the web because WordPress is limited by its PHP structure.