
RAD Server: Mapping Web Properties to Folders

In my Embarcadero Academy RAD Server courses, “Using Delphi and RAD Server to Rapidly Design, Build, Debug, and Deploy Services-Based Solutions” and “Using C++Builder and RAD Server to Rapidly Design, Build, Debug, and Deploy Services-Based Solutions“, i show Delphi and C++Builder developers how tointegrate code with JavaScript, HTML, images, CSS, and other web asset…
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Musings from March – Inc Denmark and Poland

This month has seen an ever-changing global situation with the outbreak of the coronavirus. The first timethat I can remember I had to radically change / cancel a live event due to circumstances out of our control. At the start of March we were keeping an eye on the…

Attributes for Documenting TEMSDataSetResource

I recently blogged about a number of RAD Server topics, including using TEMSDataSetResource, (the component that enables a TDataSet to be expose as a RESTful resource, and manage all the List, Get, Put, Post, Delete methods – very cool!), how to set named parameters for the TEMSDataSetResource documentation (where multiple keys are passed in e.g. with Master Detail relationships (reviewed…
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Learn Delphi on Exercism

One of our MVPs, Ryan Potts, is the originator and maintainer of the Delphi track on Exercism – a site dedicated making it easy for people to learn different programming languages. He was interviewed by the Exercism team previously, but I thought it would be…

Master Detail data in RAD Server using TEMSDataSetResource

Master Detail data in RAD Server The TEMSDataSetResource is a very powerful component that enables rapid development of full document REST API’s for TDataSet using RAD Server. Using TEMSDataSetResource, along with traditional master detail relationship configurations, it is possible to expose, and automatically document data APIs via REST with no code at all. In this article, I will cover…
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Embedding Swagger UI into RAD Server

This post is an update to the original post written previously showing Swagger UI being used with RAD Server,covering new features of RAD Server. Why Embed Swagger UI into RAD Server? Swagger UI (as previously discussed) is a great option for checking your…

Using IBM Watson and the power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) from Delphi and/or C++Builder

Follow-up to the webinar on “Using IBM Watson and the power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) from Delphi and/or C++Builder ” from Thursday, October 24, here are the resources, slides, and code examples used in the webinar: Webinar Replay Link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/5FPQ96Q Resources How to create a freeIBM Cloud account:https://ibm.biz/BdjLxy​ IBM…
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