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Ultra-Fast Way To Wrap Delphi Objects To Python Objects With Python4Delphi Sample App

How to wrap the existing or new Delphi Objects into Python Objects? Not sure? Python4Delphihas the flexibility to do that using a TPyDelphiWrapper component. This post will guide you on how to wrap a Delphi Object to a python Object. You can also use Python4Delphi with C++Builder. Python4DelphiDemo32Sample App shows how to wrap a Delphi Object to Python Object with some…
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CodeDelphiRAD Studio

Easily Build Master-Detail Relationships Between Datasets In Delphi Windows Apps

The sample demonstrates how to use theTFDQuerycomponent in order to set upmaster-detail relationshipsbetween datasets. It uses the master-detail relationship to automatically filter a detail dataset based on a current master dataset record. In this sample, the master dataset has “Order” records, and the detail dataset shows only lines for the current order.
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C++RAD Studio

Quickly Write Efficient Code With Modern Structured Bindings Available In C++17 On Windows With C++Builder

C++17 has a new feature that consolidates syntactic sugar and automatic type deduction:structured bindings. This helps to assign values from tuples, pairs, and structs into individual variables. In another programming language, you can find this as unpacking. Applying a structured binding to specify various variables from one bundled structure is one step. Structured bindings always…
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Learn How To Use Python Functions With Keyword Arguments In A Delphi Windows App

In Delphi, we pass values to parameters while calling a function in an order the function parameters were defined. This is the same in Python as well called positional arguments. However, Python has additional features passing arguments to the function with Keyword(Named) Arguments. To know more about these Keyword Arguments check here. How to use such Python functions in Delphi? This post will…
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Not a Hotdog! How to Use AI Object Recognition in Your Apps

I’m finally catching up with the articles to go with our Winter Webinars series. My guests and I have been showing you how to write genuine cross-platform low-code apps that do extraordinary…