The weather is hot in the northern hemisphere, so that means it is time for the annual Embarcadero sponsored Learn to Code Summer Camp! Our Summer Camps and Boot Camps have been a huge hit in previous years. This is your chance to gather online and learn from best trainers. The 2021 Summer Camp run for the week of Monday, July 26 through Friday, July 30th, 2021. That is one full week of free online training from the best trainers on the best development tools.
This year we are expanding the offering: With the addition of PyScripter as a Free Tool sponsored by Embarcadero, we are now including classes on learning Python along with Delphi/Object Pascal, C++, SQL and web technologies like HTML and JavaScript. Beyond the basics of learning the languages, we plan to cover topics including: mobile development, Android, iOS, Linux server, Windows Desktop, game development, web development, databases, and more!

The Learn to Code Summer Camp is all about learning to program. The content is aimed at people with little to no previous programming experience, or maybe someone who wants to pick up a new language. If that sounds like you, then register as a student. If instead you have some experience you would like to share, then sign-up as a volunteer! Even if you don’t know what you would like to cover yet, but would like to be involved, we would love to have your help!
Stay tuned to this page for more information!
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Hello everyone,
unfortunately, it seems the register form is blocked by Google’s policy. Is there any other way to register?
Thank you
That link seems to be working ok. Can you try it again and let us know if you’re still having problems?
Is this for begginer level?
There will be courses to suit all levels but it’s particularly useful for someone learning to code or wanting to improve their coding skills.
Is this summer camp entirely free of cost?
Also, Is there any certificates providing?
Any certification provided?
He hope to provide a certificate of completion, but doubt it will be recognized by any education body.
What time (GMT) is going to start the Camp ?
Thank you.
Giovanni – Italy
You can find the schedule for Monday here https://embt.co/SummerCamp2021-Day1
will there be any certificates given after finishing this course? also how will this help me get into a university?
We are looking at providing a certificate for completion, but it unlikely will be recognized by any university.
So i registered, and i was asking myself: What next? Should i get an email or something?
Yes you should receive an email shortly with details.
Are the summer camps a self-paced course or interactive, what happens for people in vastly diffrerent time zones, and will the materials and presentations be available for offline browsing?
They are both and there will be plenty of replays and video links so you can follow along at your own pace or catch up anything you missed. We want to make it as easy and convenient as possible for you to take part. 🙂
Can this course be done (and re-done) at your own pace or is it real time once only?
There is a real-time (live) element but also replays and pre-recorded sections too. All live sections will have replays so if you are unable to join in live you will be able to watch and participate when you’re able to.
What are the requirements (software side) for the course? I already registered, but I didnt receive any info as to what to prepare.
If you don’t already have a copy of RAD Studio then you should either download and install a trial version of, if your needs meet the requirements for the Community Edition then you can download and install that from here: https://www.embarcadero.com/products/delphi/starter
Hi Jim, what’s the timing of the classes? I am in GMT+8 TZ. Thanks.
You can find the schedule for Monday here https://embt.co/SummerCamp2021-Day1
I registered a few days ago but did not get confirmation email or anything, Can i please know if I got registered or not ?
You can find the schedule for Monday here https://embt.co/SummerCamp2021-Day1
Hi, is there a time schedule/detailed syllabus for the camp?
It will be published shortly and we’ll try to keep you updated on the blog here too.
from what I can gather here, I need a Windows computer for the course?
To run RAD Studio you will need to either have it installed on a Windows PC or run Windows in a virtual machine and install RAD Studio in there. Plenty of developers are running RAD Studio on macOS and Linux as their primary machine with Windows running only in a virtual machine on them. The videos for the course should run on any browser and don’t require Windows to do that.
When will the URL and schedule of classes be available?
You can find the schedule for Monday here https://embt.co/SummerCamp2021-Day1
Hello, I’ve registered but don’t receive any confirmation o further information about the schedule of the course.
You can find the schedule for Monday here https://embt.co/SummerCamp2021-Day1
Hello Jim, Please I would like to know the schedule of the course and the agenda. Thanks a lot
You can find the schedule for Monday here https://embt.co/SummerCamp2021-Day1
can we downloads the lessons? I would like to register, but might not be able to attend…
The lessons will be available to stream (and restream) online so you will be able to watch them whenever you have the time to do so. 🙂
i have registered and we will meet on Zoom or something, i haven’t got any email for that
You must have an e-mail among the items that must be entered in order to receive the link to the lectures
I registered and Google sent me a copy of the info I submitted, but we are getting down to the wire here and I have received no further emails or instructions and am getting a little concerned something has gone wrong since I don’t have any information as to times, or sites to check in, etc.
You can find the schedule for Monday here https://embt.co/SummerCamp2021-Day1
I have registered (13 July), and received an email acknowledging this, and advising me to check my email. I have not received any email with details of course access/
You can find the schedule for Monday here https://embt.co/SummerCamp2021-Day1
Hi, The Delphi and C++Builder Community Edition downloads, both download the same file (RADStudio-1042). Thanks
I filled the form, how can i enter the session
You can find the schedule for Monday here https://embt.co/SummerCamp2021-Day1
i don’t understand how the course work, i need to follow lessons or i need to download it?
You can find the schedule for Monday here https://embt.co/SummerCamp2021-Day1
So i just registered, and i was asking myself: What next? Should i get an email or something?
Yeah, me neither got any mail
You can find the schedule for Monday here https://embt.co/SummerCamp2021-Day1
It would be nice to know wouldn’t it!
You can find the schedule for Monday here https://embt.co/SummerCamp2021-Day1
Good day, the Summer Code Camp 2021 post said that the Camp will start in Monday which is today, but I haven’t received yet the link for the Camp, what should I do?
Ah, sorry, it starts Monday Central Time in the US. You can find the schedule for Monday and individual registration links here https://embt.co/SummerCamp2021-Day1
I already have Rad Studio 10.3 Starter installed from a previous Interbase SQL course, can it be used for the C++ / Delphi streams of this Summer Camp or must I upgrade to 10.4?
10.3 Start should work just fine.
Hi, can we access earlier Community versions of Delphi, and C++? I am running Windows 8.1 Pro. I will upgrade soon, but not in the next few weeks.
Hi, did you post the recorded sessions about monday ? I can”t find them
We will post the links as soon as possible on here but you can also follow the Embarcadero YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/c/EmbarcaderoTechnologies/ because they will be posted on there too. You can also follow our official Twitter account and we will tweet out replay details as soon as they are available: https://twitter.com/EmbarcaderoTech
Thank you so much!
I need support for ubuntu 20.04. Does C++ Builder supports Ubuntu?
Right now the Linux target (via FMXLinux) is supported by the Delphi personality of RAD Studio Enterprise and Architect, not C++ Builder.
I notice my local book exchange has several old books and manuals related to Borland C++ 5.0. They are relatively cheap, are they worth buying to use as part of a foundation for the current versions, or are they too old being around 2000 vintage?
Much of the basics will still almost certainly apply. The IDE itself has changed and evolved, which I’m sure you would expect, but even so older books will still provide you with a sound foundation of knowledge and you’ll be able to apply it to understand where things have improved or been enhanced in the time since the original publication date. Plenty of the routine stuff will still be unchanged and will still apply to this day.