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Internet Programming Made Easy With Event-Driven Non-blocking Components For Windows

internet programming made easy with event driven non blocking components

Delphi VCL ecosystem is so huge and because of it, developing desktop applications is so easy. In one sentence we can say: Delphi VCL is a killer in visual development solution for Windows.

Until now, we have explored so many useful and complex VCL and FMX libraries and frameworks:

Today, we will learn about the ICS for VCL. ICS stands for Internet Component Suite – which is a freeware with full source code for Delphi and C++ Builder VCL developers.

These internet components support most of the major communication protocols and are fully event-driven and non-blocking. Furthermore includes OpenSSL.

Here is the ICS component list from the ICS website:

ICS ComponentDescription
TWSocketBasic winsock component. Fully event-driven and multi-thread safe. It supports TCPUDPSOCKS5 and can be used to build both client and server programs. Option: SSL support.
TWSocketServerTWSocket derived component for multi-user server handling. Option: SSL support.
TSmtpCliSMTP client protocol support. Used to send mail and attached files to a mail server.
TPop3CliPOP3 client protocol support. Used to retrieve mail form a mail server.
TDnsQueryDNS query component is used to retrieve MX records (Mail Exchange, needed for most SMTP applications) from DNS, as well as A records (IP address from hostname) and PTR records (hostname from IP address) records.
TMimeDecodeSupports MIME decoding (file attachments). Useful with the TPop3Cli component.
TFtpCliFTP client protocol support. Used to send and receive files to/from an FTP server. Also able to do directory and file handling.
TFtpSrvFTP server protocol support. This component will make your application a full featured FTP server. Beta version.
TNntpCliNNTP client protocol support. Used to read and post news to/from a newsgroup server.
THttpCliHTTP client protocol support. Used to access any WEB server for getting or posting data. Base component to build a web browser. Includes Proxy support. Option: HTTPS support (Secure SSL communication).
THttpSrvHTTP server protocol support. Used to build a web server or to add a browser interface to your application. Option: HTTPS support (Secure SSL communication).
TTnCnxTELNET client protocol support.
TEmulVTANSI terminal emulation (like a TMemo but with ANSI escape sequences interpretation).
TTnEmulVTTELNET and ANSI terminal emulation combined into a single component. You can build a full telnet client program in only a few lines of code.
TTnScriptTELNET scripting component. Used to automate work with telnet session (such as auto login and password).
TFingerCliFINGER client. Use it to retreive information about logged user connected to a Unix machine (or any other with a finger server).
TPingICMP Ping support. You can Ping a host and get the resulting info.

When you install the components you get several useful sample applications that help to show all the functionalities of the components.

Be sure to head over check out the ICS for VCL on the GetIt portal and download it from the IDE!

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Software Developer | CS(CyberSec) Undergrad at APU Malaysia | Delphi/C++ Builder Enthusiast | Microsoft Learn Student Ambassador | Microsoft Azure Certified

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