The great thing about Delphi is that it makes the tough jobs really easy. For instance, take the task of controlling cloud servers. By using Windows App development tools like RAD Studio Delphi’s cross-platform Firemonkey FMX framework, you can actually EASILY write a small application that allows your users to control cloud-based virtual machines, cloud computing instances, and even…
You may know C or C++ from college and want to develop apps, games and AI applications, but are unsure if what you learned suffices to help you reach your goal. How can you shift from “classroom” C++ to Modern C++?
Today, coding in any programming language is an…
Use Modern GUI Forms
Modern C++ compilers with IDE (Visual C++, C++ Builder, Objective-C, Android Studio, etc.) use a graphical interface by operating system behaviors of the application compiled. Console-based applications are good, but in some cases, you may need to add…
Adopt the latest standards
C++ is a great programming language with it’s standards dating from 1998. The C++ standard is not about teaching how to use C++; it is a formal and very detailed technical document intended primarily for people writing C++ compilers and standard library implementation. This allows developers to code knowing that their code will work on other toolchains implementing…
Currency exchange rates are an interesting financial dataset similar to stock quotes and cryptocurrency datasets. For building solutions like software or a POS system for a currency exchange business, it is a necessary dataset and there are APIs online that give you easy…
50 years of Pascal and still growing!
March 31, 2021
In the March 2021 edition of the Communications of the ACM there is an article, by Nicklaus Wirth, about the 50th anniversary of Nicklaus Wirth’s Pascal. What started at ETH Zurich (in 1970) was publicized in the article “The programming language pascal” by…
Code Insight Improvements in Delphi 10.4.2
March 23, 2021
RAD Studio 10.4.2 was planned as a feature-focused followup to the quality-focused release of 10.4.1. However, besides delivering some major features we also fixed more issues in 10.4.2 than in the previous release!
This applies as much to Code Insight, or DelphiLSP, as to other parts of Delphi 10.4.2. Let’s have a look at what’s new. First, the features…
Error Insight — now Error…
The linker is a core part of the C++Builder toolchain – after all, it’s the part that collects the compiler’s output and creates your final binary, so it’s hard to understate its importance! – and because it brings the entire application together at once…
How do Delphi, WPF .NET Framework, and Electron perform compared to each other, and what’s the best way to make an objective comparison? Embarcadero commissioned a whitepaper to investigate the differences between Delphi, WPF .NET Framework, and Electron for building…
A Delphi developer asked how do you change the background color of a FMX (FireMonkey) TEdit ?
As many know, for a VCL TEdit, you could just set the color property of the TEdit, like this:
Edit1.Color := clYellow;
Then at Run-Time, after calling Edit1.Color := clYellow, the Edit1 looks like this:
But, a FMX TEdit does not have a Color property, so how do you do the same for a FMX TEdit?
There are…